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"You guys will never wake up"

It was finally morning and it was the beginning of a new week, which meant going back to school for the kids. Surprisingly, they woke up earlier than the alarm,so as responsible children,they got ready and waited for the older ones to get up so they could get dropped off at school. But as soon as the second alarm went off for the members, none of them woke up.

Hyun-shik sighed as he turned off the alarm in the living room and walked back to his siblings who were waiting in the kitchen. (Y/n) noticed him coming back and smiled excitingly

"Did they wake up?!"

She was excited on wanting the members to take them to school,as they never had the chance to experience someone walking them to school,but Hyun-shik sighed and shook his head


(Y/n) face fell to disappointment. Hyun-ki looked at Hyun-shik and then back at
(y/n),his heart would always soften whenever he saw her upset. Hyun-ki softly patted her shoulder, trying to cheer her up but failed. Hyun-shik rolled his eyes,slightly annoyed, and looked at (y/n) with a serious gaze

"Look, don't be all disappointed,we could wake them up and stuff but we're the ones who decided to live here. It's not their responsibility to take care of us,it's like we're here renting a room from them and that's it"


"No. Hurry up,we're going to be late"

(Y/n) felt hurt by her brother words but understood anyways. The three children prepared their school bags and were ready to head out the door. Hyun-ki decided to write a small note,notifying the members that they had left to go to school and would be back in the afternoon. He quickly placed the note on the coffee table in the living room and left straight afterwards


Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and winced in pain as the bright sun light,that came through the window beside his bed,hit his eyes. He rubbed his eyes harshly and sat up on his bed tiredly. He softlt yawned and sat still while zoning out, he was looking everywhere in his room that he shared with V and Jimin. When his eyes landed on Jimin,he stared at him longer than he would have,but felt like something was off. Then he remembered that Hyun-ki had slept with Jimin the previous night. But Hyun-ki was not present in Jimin's bed, Jungkook furrowed his brows,he quietly got off his own bed and tip-toe his way out of the room. He silently closed the door behind him and stood still outside the door. Everything was silent throughout the house,if one twin was awake,there would be at least some noise. If there is no noise,Hyun-ki was not present in the house at all,which meant all three of them have left,because if one left the other two would leave as well. Jungkook quickly rushed back in the room and reached over to Jimin who was closer,Jimin groaned annoyed as he felt pressure on his shoulder,he opened his eyes and glared at Jungkook,who was looking down at him from above

"What is it? I'm tired"

"Hyung! The kids aren't here"

Jimin ears perked up as he looked back at Jungkook in disbelief


"They're not here"

"Then what the hell are we doing here! Let's wake up the others"

Jimin quickly got off his bed and walked out the room,Jungkook stood behind and decided to wake up V as well. Jimin rushed into the other rooms,waking up the rest of the members,soon everyone met together in the living room. Half of the members were still half asleep while the other half was annoyed,Suga glared at the younger members and began to shout

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