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The next day in Japan,everyone rose up early morning. Today was the day,the children could finally be free from the disgraceful name. There was no other day Hyun-shik looked forward to until today,when they arrived Haruka was sitting beside the judge with policemen surrounding him. He looked directly at the children eyes and looked away

"Today,is the final day of this case. Today we'll complete the requests from Jiyong,Hyun-shik,and (y/n). Haruka will be sent to prison for life,for the crime of murder,abuse,and kidnapping"

The three members sighed in relief and held onto the children calmly

"Now to complete the request of Hyun-shik,Information of his biological mother. Her name was Shin Hasang,she passed away on December twenty-seven,her cause of death was giving birth to her twin sons. She has family but her parents passed away and her siblings live out of the country. Her nationality is Korean,before her death she left documents stating to leave $287,000.00 dollars to her two sons when they hit the age of seven or older. So Hyun-shik,you are half Korean and half Japanese,I'm sorry your mother isn't with us no more"

Hyun-shik sat still in his chair and silently nodded,holding his tears in and letting his hope die,in the inside he was hoping to meet his mother and hug her for the first time and tell her how much he needed of her. (Y/n) noticed his quietness and reached out to hold his hand. He looked at her and she reassured him with a smile in which he return

"To complete kwon jiyong request,I have signed to remove the surname nanase off the children name, (y/n) kwon and Hyun-shik Kwon are officially their new name and their new guardian is Kwon jiyong who is (y/n) biological father and the new father of adopted son Hyun-shik. I'll send the documents to Korea for the officials to sign it and approve it"

"Lastly for (y/n), the request to kill off the nanase name will be approved. (Y/n) will take the sum of $4,000,000.00 dollars off the nanase family plus another $50,000,000.00 from her mother death which will later be explained when return to Korea,Hyun-shik will take the sum of $2,000,000.00 plus $287,ooo.oo from the mother plus another $2,000,000.00 due to the death of Hyun-ki who is not present to take his part of this money so Hyun-shik will take on this last part of the money. All of this is split equally to both children,no matter related by blood or not,each will take an equal amount off the nanase. Case is closed and clear!"

Both (y/n) and Hyun-shik sat still in their chairs with their mouths wide open,while the members sat quietly



"That's a lot of zeros"

"A lot of zeros"

Baekhyun took out his phone and dialed yoongi


"We did it!"

"Oh my gosh! We're at court right now too,to clean our history! But I'll inform jiyong later and tell the rest! Tell the kids we love and miss them a lot! Be safe and take care"

Baekhyun smiled and looked at the rest,the children finally stood from the seat and attacked the three members with hugs

"We did it! We cam finally live happily!"

"Ah we're happy about it! Now you're safe with the rest! We'll protect you both no matter what! That's how our new family works!"

(Y/n) smiled and felt her heart beat happily,she's finally safe and loved

(Y/n) smiled and felt her heart beat happily,she's finally safe and loved --------------------------------------HELLO! IM BACK BACK BACK! IM SORRY! SCHOOL IS KILLING ME BUT IM DOING WELL! SO WE ALL GOOD ! FEW CHAPTERS LEFT MY BABIES

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