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After two days,they were ready to fly back to Korea. Everything was settled,the kids were now safe to live with their new family. Haruka will be paying his jail time in Japan,his family business was all handed to (y/n) still,she cut off the name but she had to decided what to do with the company,either cut it off as well or continue it. With money that was all saved were given to them.

(Y/n) was walking down the hallway of the mansion they were staying,that was once of the nanase but now is for the new family,the Kwon's. She was skipping while swinging her arms,she was wearing hoseok hoodie that he had given her before she was sent to hiding,the sleeves followed her arms movement. She came to a stop when she saw a unknown door to a room that nobody has really noticed,scanning it she slowly walked up to it and opened it. She poked her head in and her eyes widen with amazement,it was a large library. She pushed the door wider and walked in looking around in amazement,rows of books on each side of the room,colorful covers showing at each end. At the center of the wall that's between the bookshelves was hanging a big portrait of a family of three,the dad on the left,mom on the right,and a son in the middle. (Y/n) came interested in it and came closer to it,scanning every detail,soon it had hit her that it must've been Haruka and his parents when he was young,in the portrait he looked around twelve years old. What was unique about Haruka was that he had crystal blue eyes,like his father. It was really odd and rare,most Japanese people had dark brown eyes but not in the nanase family,soon she started to think about the twins,they didn't have blue eyes? They had dark brown eyes like the rest,but it seemed like the blue eyes ran in the nanase family. She didn't want to jump into conclusions and decided to shake off her thoughts,she continued to stare at the portrait and softly smiled

"That's a nice family picture"

"Is it really?"

(Y/n) heart dropped and immediately grabbed a small pocket knife from her hoodie pocket and swung it as she turned around where she heard the voice. Hyun-shik caught the knife and smiled


"Stop it hyun-shik!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry"

(Y/n) sighed and looked back at the portrait,Hyun-shik walked up to her and stood beside her looking at it as well



"We finally see a family picture of this man"

"True,it's weird though"

"How so?"

"Like,we never had one or taken one before with him,and we haven't seen one picture of him and his family until now"

"Now that I think about it,I think we all took a picture with him together but you were still young to remember"

"Let's look for it when we go back home,and also hyun-shik?"


"He's supposedly your father,he has blue eyes so does his dad,why don't you have blue eyes?"

Hyun-shik never really thought about it or had someone point it out,he shrugged and wrapped his arm around her shoulder

"I don't know,maybe his genes weren't strong enough against my mothers,but it doesn't matter. As long as we're together I'm all good"

She smiled and nodded. Hyun-shik finally remembered what he came for and grabbed (y/n) hand

"Ah shit! I forgot! I came to get you so we can leave to go to the airport!"

"Ah! You just cussed!"

"Well we been living with a gang for almost two years now,so don't blame me"

(Y/n) giggled and they both ran off out the room to meet Kai who was waiting at the entrance door. He saw the kids running towards him and he opened the door while his hand was motioning them to come faster

"Hurry ! We got to be there by three"

Soon they all left to the airport,back in Korea the members were preparing the house to welcome them back. Yani was in the kitchen helping Sekojin cooking while the others were cleaning or decorating. She was washing some plates whiles he was cutting some vegetables

"Thank you"

Sekojin stopped cutting and looked up at Yani who was looking back at him

"For what?"

"For taking care of the children"

"Oh? It's nothing-"

"I'm serious oppa,thank you,you and the other took care of them even if you were a gang and they were just children you kidnapped for money. It's weird and shocking how you guys took care of them more then that guy,you showed them what it's like to be a family,you gave them care and love and I'm grateful y'all did. And now they'll live better thanks to y'all"

Sekojin softly smiled and nodded

"I'm glad we took them in and not kick them out"

Yani smiled and both continued to work,the front door of the house was open to reveal suho head peak in,both of them looked at him and he waved and walked in

"Welcome party?"

"Yes,didn't Chen tell you?"


"Well,bring all of the members later so we can welcome them and eat together"

"Say no more !"

They all chuckled and the door opened again to reveal jiyong,all three of them looked at him curiously,jiyong held a yellow folder high in his hands and grin

"Guess who's an official father of two?!"

"It's official?!"

"Hell yes! The Japanese court signed it and approved it and we got a copy,sent it to the Korean court and they officially accepted it! Now I have my daughter and new son !"

The three of them cheered in happiness,the rest of them members soon joined in the small celebration and waited for the children and the other three members to arrive back.

 -------------------------------------------------------I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE 😭❤️

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