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When Chen ended call he looked over at ji-yong who was sitting on the couch talking with (y/n). He sat across for him and said nothing,(y/n) was telling her father how the members looked like and described them,even though ji-yong knew who they were he wouldn't ignore his daughter description of them. Ji-yong noticed Chen sitting across from them awkwardly and chuckled

"Are you here alone?"

Chen looked up at him and his eyes widen,he shook his head and excused himself quickly. Ji-yong raised an eyebrow and looked at his daughter

"Is he like that?"

"No,I think he just remembered something"

He nodded his head and about a few minutes later they heard footsteps rushing towards the living room


(Y/n) turned her head around facing her brothers who were in tears,the twins rushed towards her and hugged her tightly. She smiled sadly knowing she probably scared everyone to death,when the twins let go of her they looked towards ji-yong who looking at them in awe. Ji-yong realized how much the twins loved (y/n) and their bond was unbreakable. The twins bowed towards him and smiled

"Thank you sir for bringing our sister back!"

"No problem"

Ji-yong smiled,Hyun-ki observed ji-yong starting to recognize him from somewhere. Soon it clicked him

"Oh! You're the leader of the gang BigBang!"

Ji-yong looked at him surprised and nodded,the twins grin widely while (y/n) looked at them confused and looked back at ji-yong

"Appa?! You're a leader of a gang?!"

"Why are you calling him appa?!"

"Children calm down,the members will come soon"

Chen looked at them nervously,obviously confused as them. Ji-yong chuckled and tried change the subject and make Chen less awkward


Suga was still confused over Chen words but putting that aside he immediately called Rap monster. After the call,Suga rushed towards J-hope who was crouching down catching his breath at the corner of the street,Suga softly smiled at him and he looked at him confused

"Why are you smiling?"

"Our princess is back home"

J-hope eyes widen and stood up looking at him in disbelief


Suga nodded his head,J-hope eyes had started getting watery and he looked back at Suga who was smiling widely. But suddenly his facial expression changed

"But someone came with her so we need to get home fast"

J-hope nodded immediately and they both rushed down to find the others. Once everyone was back together they headed straight back home. Chen opened the door for them and Rap monster was the first to rush in quickly. The children noticed the members presence and they immediately ran up to hug them,especially (y/n).



Rap monster caught her and embraced her small body,he kissed her cheek and checked her if she wasn't hurt

"You're okay right?"

"Yes my-"


Rap monster looked up at the sudden husky voice,his eyes widen as he couldn't believe who was in front of him. Ji-yong smiled and waved,the rest of Bts had the same reaction as Rap monster,their mouth were hanging open,no words left their mouth. Suga gulped and bowed

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