Chapter 3

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When i opened my eyes everything was so bright that i had to take a while to settle my eyes to the brightness. The first thought that came into my mind was that maybe i was in heaven. I tried to get up from the bed then suddenly my head started to ache so much that i screamed on top of my lungs. Then i remembered everything from last night walking to the street,gunshots,getting shot then i screamed again i was in so much pain that i fell to the ground and kept screaming.

A while later the door of the room opened and a girl came rushing in she knelt in front of me and said "What's wrong". She Asked worried.

I didn't know how to say anything but still i did " My hurts." I said but it came out in pieces. Then two men came in one had something in his hand but when i realized what was in his hands my eyes went wide it was an injection i was always scared of injection. " No Please no .... Please don't do this." They didn't listen to me so tried to break free from the girl, i was successful the two men tried to catch me so i did what i had to do i kicked them where the sun don't shine and ran out.

I found stairs and went down, my head was killing me but i had to get out of here i looked back and thankfully nobody came after me i took another step and turned my head forward than i bumped into a wall i didn't see the wall here before but then i realized it was a person i looked up and my eyes met with those beautiful blue eyes.

But the only thing bad in those eyes was that they he'd so much anger. Then he grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the room where i had ran from. I tried to break free from his hold but his grip was like an iron grip when we reached the room those two men and the girl looked up at us than he threw me forward and by my graceful luck i landed on the floor .

My headache got worse then before but then he spoke. "What the hell is going on?" He said it in calm voice even when he was worse then furious. Nobody answered for a while then the girl started." I was on a phone call , then i heard screaming when i came up here she was on the floor with her head in her hands i asked what's wrong , she said that her head is hurting then Mike and Blake came with the injection of unconscious medicine but she seemed to be scared of it , we tried to control her but she ran and that's all." She explained everything to him.

"Hmmm .......... So what you're trying to tell me is that a pathetic girl ran from three well trained agents. Right ???" He said with the tone of calmness i was really curious how he could do that , he looked towards Mike and Blake like he was eye talking to them. Mike nodded and walked towards me with that old scary injection in his hand.

I got up from the floor and walked backwards i knew what he was planning on doing. "Please don't do this please no." I begged him but he didn't stop i tried to run again but Mr Blue eyes grabbed my arms and made me steady." Give it to me." He said to Mike who was trying to figure out what to do . Mike gave it to him and i closed my eyes and held my breath he placed the srying against my neck and pressed it in. I couldn't do anything except Crying. Moments later i felt dizzy again i wasn't just in pain i was angry about how could someone be so heartless. Then i let the darkness consume me the last thing i saw were those beautiful blue eyes..

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