Chapter 11

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Its been 2 months since i got home and i loved it. When i got home from hospital Xania gave me a surprise of welcome home i was so happy to see my sister and her daughter i loved being an aunt.

I had so much fun at home with mom and dad. Xania came to visit like two days in a week since her house was on the same street as ours.

The one thing that i had learned all these years is that home is home.

And yes i think about him everyday he has stuck into my mind like a glue stuck with a chair. I still wonder that why would he let me go.

Right now i was sitting on a rock at the beach alone. I had changed my hair style because i was scared that if he ever saw me he wouldn't recognize me.

As i was sitting alone my phone vibrated indicating that i had got a text message. I took out my phone from my pocket. It was mom's text.

Mom : Your dad's friend is putting a party tomorrow.

Me     : It means that i have to go too 😟!

Mom : Yes and i have bought a dress for you.

Me.    : I don't want to go.

Mom : John will be there too you'll finally get to meet him.

Me : Okay I'll go.

Mom : Good, now i think you should come home its getting late.

Me : OK bye.

Mom : Bye.

Mom was right it was getting late. I put my phone back into my pocket and got off of that rock. I began walking towards my home i was really happy to finally meet John.

As i was walking in my own thoughts i bumped into someone.

"I am sorry i didn't know where i was going sorry." I apologized to him. I couldn't see his face he was wearing a black hood. He didn't say anything either.

I began walking again thinking about that mysterious man i looked back. He was going on his way and he looked back i focused on his face i couldn't see it properly the thing that i saw is that i met once again with that cold gaze of blue eyes.

My heart beat stopped but he didn't do anything but began walking towards his destiny he didn't look back just kept walking.

I got so scared that i made my run towards my home once i reached it i quickly got in and rushed to my room once i got in my room i locked all my windows. I was in my thoughts when mom opened my door and came in.

"Rose are you okay , you didn't tell me you were home and why are you so sweaty?" My mom asked me in a freaking out voice. To be honest i never told my parents what happened to me in New York i didn't wanted them to get tense.

"Relax mom i just thought about making a run because i was getting too lazy and i didn't inform you that i was home because i didn't wanted to disturb you." I said comforting my mom and she did.

"Oh you scared me, and the dress i bought for you is in your closet." Mom said opening my closet she took out a dress and my eyes went wide there was no way i was going to wear that dress.

"Mom no it's too fancy." I begged my mom.

"There are going to be professionals in that party and i won't let you meet John if you won't wear this." Mom said strictly.

"OK fine I'll wear it." I told her with a sigh. She got out of the room with a grin on her face.

I got in the shower and washed myself. When dad came home we ate dinner together and talked about the part going to happen after that i lay on my bed thinking of him and John before going to sleep.

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