Chapter 27

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Violet was standing there with confused expression. My eyes went wide and i rushed towards her and hugged her.

"Oh my God Violet you're awake. I missed you so much!" Said hugging her as tears ran down my cheeks. She hugged me back.

We finally broke the hug. I smiled at her and wiped my eyes. She was now looking at Dave who was looking back at her with a smile. Violet reached up to him." I am sorry. I should've listened to you. I am so sorry." She said sobbing.

Dave hugged her by surprise. She was shocked at first then hugged him back." Its good to see you awake kiddo." Dave said patting her back.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked her. She looked at me wiping away her tears." The wound does it hurt." I asked again concerned.

"No! Not at all. But i am so hungry." She said grabbing her tummy and pouting. Dave and I burst out laughing at her childish behaviour.

She didn't say anything. Dave and i just watched her, how she ate, it sounds weired but its just the feeling you have when you realize you have people for.

The people who make you sad and happy and make you feel loved. That's what i felt that moment



It was now evening. Dave was not home. Violet was sitting besides me.

I felt like i wanted to know more about him. He was like a book you would never get tired of.

"So tell me about him." I asked her. She looked up from her mobile at me.

"About who?" She asked. A hint of confusion and fear was in her voice and she held her mobile tightly. I didn't knew why she was acting weired about my simple question but i knew something was up.

"Dave! Silly!" I said and she sighed and went back to her normal self. She sat the mobile besides her.

"What about him?" She asked. I didn't knew the answer of it i wanted to know everything.

"Well! After he left me." I asked. She went into deep thoughts.

"I don't know anything from that far! I was adopted." She said and then i realized why were they totally non identical." But I'll tell you what i know."

"Julia McAuther, Dave's mom adopted me when i was five. But i remember everything. Julia and John were really loving parents but Dave was always distant. I always wondered why doesn't he talk to me and stuff. Dave seemed to love his parents double times then they did.."

"One day mom went shopping, i really forced her to take me but she didn't. Me and Dave were home and dad was at work. Two hours went past but mom didn't show up. Dave was also getting conscious. He was about to call her when dad came home. He was all messy and his eyes were teary and red. He took Dave into a room and told me to stay out. After a while i heard yelling. So i thought to go in i went in and what i heard was not good."

"Dave was yelling hard tears were storming down his face. He was yelling " No! She can't be dead!"  And then i realized what was going on. Mom was dead. They both saw me and then dad left."

"The for the first time in my entire life Dave hugged me and we both cried. It took a lot of time for Dave to recover but he still hasn't recovered. Dad couldn't take death of mom and he started drinking. He started beating Dave one day he try to hit me but Dave stopped him and got the beating."

"One day a cop came to our house and told dad had died because of drinking. Then Dave started working for me. Then he decided to be in the army and defend his country."

I was totally lost in what she told me. I never expected this. How someone can absorb this much.

"He took care of me Rose! But he was never the one taken care of so now please do one thing please take care of him." Violet told me looking in my eyes hopefully.

And that was the moment when i promised myself." I promise you Violet i will take care of him." I told her and she smile.

"I know you will." She said and went out of my room.

Till my last breath.....

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