Chapter 21

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He stood in front of me. First he saw me than the phone. He stood his eyebrow oh no that was not good. I faked a huge smile than walked up to him.

"Hey how are you? Shouldn't you be resting? I think that the doctor said you should take a huge rest? Don't you know anything about knocking before walking?" I just said all the things that came into my mind at the moment.

He did not said anything but his look was clearly showing that he was annoyed. I did not say anything either but wiped that fake smile off of my face. "Don't ever touch my phone again." He finally spoke with a commanding tone and took his phone out of my hands that scared me. I did not wanted to show that i was scared so said something i should not have said.

"If i would not have touched your phone you would not have been standing in front of me but you would have been in front of God for your test."i blurted out everything that came into my mind and that did not made anything better but worse. He gave me that evil look that made shivers run down my spine.

"Did Violet told you anything?" he asked me i knew exactly what he was asking about but i did not want to tell him that i knew or what if i told him and Violet got into trouble.

"Like what exactly?" I asked him showing that i did not knew anything.

"Something that would probably give you a heart attack." he said looking straight into my eyes to test me. 

"No nothing but what you are saying it looks like you are hiding something from me that i should know." i said trapping him in his own words plus i also wanted to find out if he will tell me anything.

He narrowed his eyes and kept testing me but me being a good actress i did not gave in. He kept staring but gave up and turned to leave but i wanted to have some fun and get even. I knew he did not do anything bad but he did not tell me anything.

"I did not hear anything." i said just as he was about to leave he stopped his back was facing  me i was trying so hard to control my laugh as he turned around i made a really serious face.

He smiled and came towards me i felt a bit happy that he was going to say something special."You know what Rose....." he spoke with a beautiful smile that could light up the whole word. and than he made a really annoyed face and said"buzz off." he said and walked out leaving my jaw open i was really hurt he crushed my feelings.

I felt a lot of anger and rushed out behind him. " It is not an appropriate way to talk to your...... i mean to anyone." i slapped myself in my head for almost saying that. he stopped and turned around so he was facing me.

"Rose are you sure you do not know anything because if i found out that you were lying to me than you will bear consequences." he said as he narrowed his eyes i gulped and smiled my worst nervous smile. 

Right at the moment Violet came out of her room and felt happy to see us. "I was coming to see you but God saved my walk i have to talk to you." Dave put his full attention to her like telling her to go ahead. " I wanted to tell you this before you find out yourself i should tell you myself." she said to him and my eyes were going wide. " I told Rose everything." she nervously said.

Those blue eyes fell upon me and i smiled sheepishly.

I was in deep trouble

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