Chapter 10

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I woke up to the sound of something beeping it was so annoying.

I opened my eyes everything was white i mean it was a white room there were flowers next to my bed then i realized that i was in a hospital room.

Something pointy was hurting my arm i looked at my arm only to find many needles present in my arm.

The door of my room opened and a man who seemed like a doctor came in.

"So you are awake Miss Dawson." He spoke checking my arm and my head. When he touched my head it hurt like hell.

"You were hit by a car. Your head was hurt so bad but you don't have to worry in a month or two you'll be fine." He said with a smile when he said you'll be fine.

I nodded and he went out of the room. I looked at the flowers and the letters and read them one by one most of them were of mom , dad and Xania i got rally confused how do they know about me they left these letters it means that they were here i was in my thoughts when the door opened and mom and dad came in.

"Oh my god my baby, you scared us so much." Mom cried as she saw me then she hugged me first i was confused then i realized its my parents the one i have been missing for years. I hugged my mom tighter.

"Come on don't cry now , look she is fine. She is my daughter nothing can happen to he." Dad said with great proud to my mom who was crying.

"How long was i unconscious?" I asked them. I had no idea what's going on last thing i remember before getting hit was that Dave. Dave , he was chasing me. What the hell is going on.

"About two days." They said estimating the time.

"You came all the way to New York just for me." I asked them with real love. I can't believe that my parents came here just for me.

"What do you mean by New York?" Dad said really tense. Seriously i didn't know what the hell was going on.

"Just tell me how did you find out i was hit." I asked them impatiently.

"John brought to to hospital then he called us and we were confused that you didn't told us that you were coming to London but we came here and he told us everything." Mom told me with worried expression.

"I am in London and who's John?" I asked them i really didn't know who John is.

"Don't you remember that little kid you used to play with when you were like 4 or 5 years old well he was really older than you were." I remembered it. John was the son of my dad's friend we used to play together he was like he was like four years older then me.

"I remember him now." I told them and about London i also understood that. When Dave hit me with his gun i got unconscious maybe i stayed unconscious for a long time that he brought me all the way to London.

"I want to go home." I said to them with a pout i really wanted to sleep in my bed , eat breakfast in my kitchen.

"Don't worry honey we just have to fill some forms then we'll go home." Mom told me with happiness.

"You said that John brought me here where is he." I asked my parents curiously. I did wanted to meet him so much because when i had no friend he stood by me until his family had to move i haven't seen him in thirteen years.

"He stayed here for a long time, when we came here he said that he had to go then he did." Dad told me. I nodded in response with a pout. Dad chuckled." Don't worry you'll see him but first get better." Dad told me.

"We should let her rest and we have to get her home so let's go talk to the doctor." Mom said to dad.

"Bye." I told them. I really love them.

"Just for now." Dad said as he kissed my forehead. They went out. I closed my eyes and thought why would Dave let me go. I didn't know when i fell asleep thinking of that Blue eyed beast.

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