Chapter 32

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"Come on Rose! Stop whining!" Mom said frustration clear in her tone. It has been two days after Wednesday and there was no sign of Dave.

"But he said he'll be back by Wednesday now its Friday what do you intend me to do." I cried. Everybody was in my room and calming me down.

I couldn't calm down. I had been waiting for him and he didn't show up." Don't lose hope Rose he keeps his word you stupid!" Violet almost yelled at me.

"If you think i am stupid because i care then keep calling me that." I yelled back. I laid on my bed and stuffed my face into the pillow.

"He will be back Rose! Just wait." Taylor said but it didn't work on me.

"I don't want to see him ever again even if he comes back tell him that i hate him and i don't want to see him again." I cried and then again stuffed my face into pillow.

The pillow was soaking all of my tears. After a while there was silence instantly. I was curious what had happened but i thought they finally gave up on me.

"I thought i was the only one hating you didn't knew you felt the same." I heard a voice. My heart beat went fast and fast and fast. I slowly sat up and there he was standing in the door frame. Hands in his pocket and a smirk that i wanted to slap away.

I took a moment to memorize him and then i did what i had to do. I ran up to him. He was now smiling. I stopped in front of him. And what i did next was unbelievable.



What i did.......

"THAWAK!!" I slapped him so hard on the face he placed his hand where i slapped. Everybody was shocked of what i had done. For a moment i was shocked too.

I went full on furious. I took the first thing i found and threw it at him, he dodged it. So i went to search for another. I kept throwing things at him.

Then dad grabbed me then mom and then Taylor and Violet. Violet was taking things from my hand whereas on the another hand mom and dad were trying to control me.

"Rose calm down!"

"You should be happy he's here!"

"Stop or you'll hurt him!"

They kept yelling where i kept throwing but everything i threw at him he dodged it.

"Rose he came back for you and this is what you do. He should've left you." It was mom. And what she said got me and i came back to my senses. My heart beat was really high and my blood pressure.

I stopped and they stopped dragging me and pulled themselves back. I fell on the floor.

"He should've never come back! You are such a stupid and insane person." Mom yelled at me. I didn't knew i was crying till a tear fell on my hand.

"Honey you are being harsh she is not in the state sh____" mom cut off dad.

"No! I am doing what i am supposed to do, she is foolish." Mom yelled again." I thought my daughter was a mature person but now i have seen." Mom said as she walked out of the room. Dad went behind her. Taylor also left the room.

I didn't look up i was so embarrassed. It was all because of him. I can't even stay away from him for a day.

"I... I am s...sorry." I whispered sobbing. It was even lower than a whisper but i knew he heard it.

Moments later i saw Violet leaving the room. They all left me. My heart was aching. I brought my knees to my chest and put my head on it.

I was crying hard. My throat was hurting, everything was hurting. Suddenly i felt hands on my shoulders. I looked up only to see Dave.

"I am, you can leave me too like they did." I said in a whisper then i looked away from him.

"I won't ever leave you Rose." He said in a husky voice making me look at him, his eyes were so blue.

"But you did." I almost cried which i was but in words.

"I got caught up in some work i had to do it." He said sitting crisscrossed next to me.

"You could've in formed me. I thought you were dead." I said finally breaking down in oceans of tears.

"Why would you think that." He said really surprised.

"There were gunshots Dave! And fire too."i said pouting. He smile at my childish behaviour.

"You turned around Rose! I think i told you not to look back." He said hand combing his hair. Now i didn't have any words." God! I knew Blondies are stupid." He said. Now that got me but i didn't said anything cause i didn't want to ruin the moment.

"I am sorry." I apologized looking at the side of his face where my hand collided earlier.

"Its fine!" He said smiling at me. I loved that moment. We were like two kids sitting on the floor in the middle of the room.

"Are they angry?" I asked him. I was afraid if they were angry.

"No they aren't. They just gave us some space." He told me. I did believe him.

"Sounds cliché." I told him holding up one eyebrow.

"Want to here something more cliché?" He asked me making me curious.

"Go ahead."

"We are getting married."


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