Chapter 19

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After Violet and i came home we started to do work. We had to do some arranging in Dave's  room for his medication.

I made lunch for everyone. I hadn't cook anything for a long time so it took a lot of time but Violet helped me so it went well.

After half an hour the doctor came and shifted him in this house he provided the medication in the form of drips. Dave was still unconscious. After everything was done the doctor left and me and Violet sat on the couch in the living room.

"I think you have some explaining to do." I said to violet who nodded in response.

"Look Rose all of this might seem strange to you so be ready for it don't freak out." Violet told me in a pleading voice.

"Go ahead." I was so desperate and she was trying to reason with me.

"Since you were thirteen Dave gas always been watching you as what he is to you should be.._" Violet started off and i cut her out.

"What do yo mean by ' as what he is to me should be' what is he to me?" I asked her.

She made a frustrated face." You are such a nut head don't you remember what the doctor called you 'Mrs McAuther' do you know what Dave's full name is Dave McAuther." She told me in a voice filled with frustration.

Mrs McAuther and Dave McAuther it means that Dave is my ..." That is not possible are you crazy or something my parents never told me anything like this." I said to her with wide eyes.
"This is true your parents didn't tell you that because Dave told them not to he wanted you to live a normal life like every teenager lives." Violet told me.

"Then why did he abducted me?" I asked her it was totally confusing.

"That night when you met him when he shot a man that man wasn't a normal person he worked for the biggest mafia, when he killed that man you were there and there were other people watching you they thought that you work with Dave. Dave knew that they would think that so he protected you. Those people could hurt even more worst then they have if Dave wouldn't have abducted as the word you use." Violet told me easily and what happened to me was really bad i was frozen in my place , my jaw dropped to the ground and my eyes went wide.

I was so wrong. I didn't believe anything i was feeling so guilty. Tears were coming into my eyes i was about to burst. My tears burst out and i hugged Violet and she hugged me back. "I... am sorry." I apologized to her while crying.

"Hey! Its not your fault completely none of this would have happen if he told you the truth so it's his fault too." Violet told me in a frank tone.

I cleared my tears and stopped crying. "I am going to get some sleep you should rest too." Violet told me getting up. I nodded and got up too we both walked up the stairs. Violet showed me the same room i woke up in and went to the room next to me.

I sighed and laid on my bed drifting to the sleep and waiting for those blue eyes to wake up and look at me.

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