Chapter 18

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"Oh my God! What did you do?" I freaked out at the sight of him. Blood was coming out of his mouth , his hair was messy like he has struggled and he held a cigarette in his hands. He couldn't even stand still.

"What i always wanted was to protect you but i was wrong i can't protect you by keeping you with me." He told me with deep emotions." You're right i am pathetic." He said with a smile.

"Look Dave i am sorry i didn't mean it." I said to him i was right about to cry i was so stupid.

He didn't respond. He fell to the ground." Dave!" I yelled and ran towards him. I sat down and put his head on my lap." Dave! Please i am sorry please stay with me." His eyes were closing and i was crying. I didn't understand at the moment that why did i had that pull connection to him.

"You are not leaving me again, i am not gonna let you leave." I yelled at him. Then something really bad happened his eyes closed and his body went limp. "Dave!  Dave! Talk to me open your eyes please." I tried to wake him up, i was shaking him but he didn't respond.

I checked his heart beat it was really slow. Then an idea popped up in my head. I took out his phone from his pocket. Its bright screen came with the word password written on it. Now i had no idea what was his password. I tried putting various numbers and letters but all were wrong.

I didn't have much time Dave's pulse was slowing down. Then something came into my mind "Rose" i tried to put the words in R.O.S.E  and it opened i called 911 i told them about the emergency and checked the location on his phone and told them.


Right now i was in the hospital. I was sitting on a bench in the hospital corridor.

After i called the 911 they came like in 10 minutes. I called Violet and told her what happened she hasn't showed up.

They took Dave into the emergency room. The doctor or nurse nobody had came out of the room.

"Rose!" I heard Violet calling me as she was coming towards me. I stood up and hugged her she hugged me back.

"I am sorry." I said to her crying. She patted my back.

We sat down at the bench where. I have been sitting for an hour." How is he?" She asked me.

"I don't know nobody came out." As i told her the door of the emergency room opened and a doctor came out.

Violet and i stood up." How is he?" Violet asked the doctor.

"He is fine now. But the thing is that what happened, happened due to his mental tiredness. It can be called hyper tension." The doctor told Violet, he was taking small glances at me like a weired person." He will be fine he just needs a rest."

"Can we take him home?" I asked him hopefully. The doctor looked at me and smiled.

"Yes you can Mrs McAuther, as i said its just hypertension i will do some  checks and then you can take him home , oh and right now he is unconscious so you can't meet him." The doctor told me with a smile and them walked away. And he called me Mrs McAuther, what the hell.

"Mrs McAuther. What did that meant?" I asked Violet who had an tense expression.

"We should go home and prepare his stuff." She told me taking my hand and dragging me towards the reception. I released my hand from her grip furiously. She got more tense.

"No tell me now, all of this happened because nobody tells me anything." I said to her in my furious expression.

"Look Rose i promise I'll tell you everything but right now we have to go." Violet told me with a desperate but calm voice.

"Okay." I agreed to her. She nodded in response and we made our way to the reception.

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