Chapter 25

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It's been a week since the accident. Violet didn't woke up the doctor said its due to shock. She needs to rest and she will wake up soon.

Dave acted really strange and off. He loves his little sister too much i wonder where are there parents.

I had been sitting in my room for a long while. I got tired of thinking and thought that i should check up on Violet. I went to her room and there he was sitting besides her bed on a chair. He held her hand in his hands.

"Violet you should wake up. You've been sleeping for a while now." He said softly to her. He still didn't noticed me. There was no response no movement. I felt my heart ache.

After a while of silence he put Violets hand on the bed gently and got up. He turned around and looked at me his eyes were red and tired.

He walked out without a word. I took a last glance at Violet and followed him. He went to the terrace and i followed him.

"There is no need you know?" He said without turning around so his back was facing me.

"You should take a nap and rest for a bit you know." I said more like pleaded him. He turned around. I knew he would say no even he didn't said a word. "Please." I begged him.

"Fine." He let out a sigh. I felt happy that he finally listened to me.

"You know actual sleep not getting into your room and think, i will check up on you." I said more like ordered him with great authority.

"Okay mom." He chuckled and said. I felt really happy that he smiled after a long while. I smiled too.

He went towards his room and i went to mine. I sat on my bed. I felt thirsty and turned to take the water bottle i had placed on the night stand, i didn't like going to the kitchen in like three or four am. I took the bottle i was about to drink it when my eye caught something. It was the small box Dave gave when we were at the hospital.

I didn't had time to open it and forgot about it. I took it in my hands and tried to open it. I couldn't find any opening. I suddenly noticed a pattern on it so i lined the pattern it lead to a little button. I clicked it and the box opened.

I looked inside it there was a little silver device. It was a USB i took it out. Now the thing was that i didn't had any laptop or computer in my room. I went out towards Violet's room. I searched her room and found a laptop in one of her drawers.

I hoped that she wouldn't mind and i will tell her once she wakes up. I took the laptop and went to my room and sat on the bed i turned it on then plugged the USB. It showed up a file i opened it and there was a video.

I opened it. I could see it clearly it was Dave's office from the first house where he kept me. The camera was placed on the desk of the office. Then Dave came and sat in front of the camera.

"I know that you have been wondering about who i am and what's my life story." He said firmly. I was shocked at first." So I'll start with my name." He said again. My heart beat was like cheetah so fast.

"My name is Major Dave John MacArthur." He said with a look on his face like he knew what would be my expression. He was in the freaking army, he was Major in the army.

What the actual hell.....


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