Chapter 12

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The dress wasn't as bad as i thought it fitted me perfectly it was golden sparkling from the top and simple from lower it was a full dress. After a long time i once again curled my now straight hair and put it in a curved bun.

"Rose are you ready." My mom yelled from downstairs.
"Come down if you are ready or we'll get late." Mom yelled again.

I gave myself a last glance and went down mom and dad were already there dad was putting his bow tie and mom was applying lipstick it was red it always suited her.

"Hey Mom, hey Dad how do i look?" I asked them. They both looked up at me then looked at each other and smiled.

"You look so beautiful just as your mother." Dad said kissing my forehead i smiled at his compliment.

"You look good too dad." I said that while tapping my finger at my chin indicating that i was thinking. They laughed at my childish behaviour.

"Shall we go now ladies?" Dad asked us and we nodded. We went to our car dad drove the car with mom sitting besides him and me being a kid sat on the passenger seat.


The impatient car ride was finally over as we stooped in front of huge gates they were really huge. Mom and dad got out so did i dad handed the car keys to the guard.

As we went in there were a lot of people there women in really expensive dresses and men in tuxedos i couldn't find anyone about my age so i felt uncomfortable.

Then a man came our way with a huge smile.

"Hey Stafford you made it." The man did the guy handshake with my dad they must be really good friends.

"Couldn't stop from coming to your party and when i was especially invited by you." Dad said and the both men burst out laughing i looked at mom and she was laughing too what's wrong with these people.

"So Rose and Alicia both ladies you look beautiful." That man said.

"Rose this is Ronald my old friend." I nodded my head as dad introduced that man to me.

"Hello Mr Ronald." I said with a smile that man looked at my dad showed an inspired expression and my dad stood with proud.

"You've grown too fast Rose i still remember that five years old little girl." He said with a memorable voice. "And i am sure you are wondering that there are no kids like you here, don't worry we have settled a kids party back there you can go its straight ahead." He told me pointing to the back of the hall.

After saying goodbyes to them i went the way Mr Ronald told me and there were a lot of kids like me. Some were dancing on the dancefloor others were drinking i never drank in my entire life there was food in a long table i went to check there were a lot of different dishes.

I picked up a piece of pizza and took the can of diet coke i found a place to sit it was near the backyard and there was no none around.

This party was really boring or i was i don't know, i was never a party type person. I ate my pizza and stood up i watched the stars in the sky they were so beautiful.

"Hey you are here i searched the whole hall for you." I heard a voice that i know very well i spit the coke that i was about to swallow. I slowly turned around thinking i might be wrong. My eyes went wide.

"Mr Stafford was calling you but you didn't answer any calls and texts so i came to find you." Violet told with a smile. I checked my phone and there were 3 missed calls and 5 text messages of mom.

"Let's go." She said and began walking out. First i didn't know what to do but there was a full proof that she was taking me to my parents so i followed her.

"Wait." I said with a loud voice. I didn't know how she found me. She turned around with curious face.
"How did you find me?" I was scared as hell. She smiled and came towards me.

"We never lost you." She said and again started walking.

"What do you mean by 'we'?" I asked her as we were walking.

"You know what." She said and kept walking. Once we reached the hall i saw mom and dad standing tense. Once they saw me they took a breath.

"Rose why didn't you answer our calls and texts?" Dad said worried.

"I am sorry it was on silent i didn't know." I apologized to him. His expressions softened.

"But where were you?" He asked me.

"I was sitting in the backyard since i didn't like the teenagers party style." I said embarrassed that i was not like normal kids.

"Its fine i wanted you to meet someone and thank you very much Violet." He said to Violet who i didn't know was standing right next to me.

"Anytime." She said and went out i was still scared.
I looked around and realized that she was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's mom?" I asked dad curiously.

"She is with someone i want you to meet." He said and smiled at me. We were going out side. I found mom talking to someone looked like she was having fun.

We stopped next to her and when i looked to the person she was talking to my eyes went wide i can't believe it. I met with those cold blue eyes which didn't look cold.

"Rose this is John." Mom told me happily. Then dad's phone ringed. He received and talked to the person.

"Yeah sure." Dad said to the person on the phone and finished the call. "Ronald is calling us to meet someone." Dad said to mom who smiled in response.

"Okay then it was so nice meeting you John, now you kids have fun." Mom said to the person who was , i don't believe John. And he smiled at her then both my parents left. Leaving me alone with the most dangerous person in my life.

I looked towards him only to find him looking at me with those cold blue eyes.

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