Chapter 13

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I was frozen in my place with fear and his happy expression turned into a bad expression and his eyes went cold again.

I was scared and curious. I couldn't believe that this was the guy i used to play with, the one who always stood by me.

He didn't break our gaze. I turned my head towards mom and dad went but they were nowhere to be seen. I then looked back at him he was still staring at me and that made me really nervous i brought my mobile near my face and i was really surprised when it showed no battery.

I finally got fed up and turned around to walk away. I took one step forward but i felt someone grab my arm absolutely it was him he spun me around so furiously that i almost fell.

"What do you want from me?" I finally asked him. It was more like begging. He didn't say anything. "What. Do. You. Want. From. Me." I repeated angrily.

He chuckled. "You are not even a bit capable of giving me anything you're so vulnerable yourself." He said in his husky voice with a smirk. I can't believe he just said that how dare he comes into my matters.

"I am not vulnerable and it's not that i am not capable it's that you don't deserve anything." I said angrily. Why does he always had push my buttons.

"So that's why if i didn't take you to hospital you would've been dead right now." He told me gripping my arm really tight. He was trying to say that i am nothing without him and that's not true.

"I didn't needed your help nor i wanted to live i was finally getting freedom from this wicked world where heartless beasts like you live." I spat without thinking and that brought tears to my eyes he trapped me again.

"If you have a death wish i can make it come true." He said taking out his gun. My eyes went wide he was going to kill me." Now listen you nut head i don't want to waste my bullet on someone who is already trashed, i am here for other reasons." He said getting really serious. I was really hurt when he said that to me he called me trashed.

Tears came in the corners of my eyes and then floated on my cheeks. "If i am really a trashed and vulnerable person then stop wasting your time on me." I said and ran to the opposite side then him.

I ran and i didn't knew where i was going i finally stopped it was really dark i heard footsteps and whispers.

I got scared out of my mind. I heard one men say. "I think we found her." Then two men came in front of me they kept coming towards me and i kept stepping back.

My back came in contact with a hard chest i turned around and there was a man really tall and strong but not as much as John.

"Goodnight." I heard him say and then suddenly something so hard hit my head and i went unconscious at the moment.

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