Chapter 17

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I woke up to the sound of piano. I opened my eyes and realized that i was lying on my front and my back felt bare although i felt that there was a cover over me. I tried to get up but i failed.

After a few tries i finally got up my back was feeling sore but not much. I looked at my surroundings and saw that it was a very different room. The room was fully made of wood i looked at the night stand on the right side of the bed there was a jug of water which was covered and a glass.

My throat felt dry so i filled the glass with water and drank all of it. I went to the bathroom whose door was open that i could indicate it was a bathroom. I closed the door and stripped i saw my back in the mirror and there were a lot of bruises there. I sighed and took a long shower.

Once i was done i dried myself and put on the robe and went out and as always i found a dress on the bed it was a grey dress it was a fine dress for my injuries it went above my knees. I wore it and i didn't do anything to my hair it was wet and free.

Once i was done i went out of the room. This house was really beautiful it was of wood. Someone was still playing piano it was just really awesome tune it sounded like a sea of emotions. I began to follow the tune.

After all going through a lot of stairs i finally found where the voice was coming from , it was a room at the end of the hallway it was slightly open. The tune got sadder then sad every moment it was like someone is expressing themselves through it.

I opened the door and went in and what i saw was like not possible. To the left side of the room a huge black piano was placed and there he sat playing it with all of his self. Dave was so lost in it that he didn't notice me and i didn't say a word. The tune said it all, said that he was hurt not just a bit but like he has been hurt all of his life.

I found tears coming in my eyes but i cleared them. After a deathly final the tune came to a stop. I came back to my senses.

He took long breaths. Then what i didn't wanted happen he looked at me and the unexpected happened instead of going angry his eyes had a happy expression in them , like when a kid finds sweets that's exactly how he looked at the moment. That to be honest freaked me out.

"Good morning!" He spoke getting up and walking towards me. I was shocked first but then i realized that it wasn't a dream.

"Good.... Morning!" I said in parts. He looked at me curiously.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. Now he wanted to know how i felt.

Well i felt crazy, dreamy, shocked." Fine." In told him and he nodded.

"Do you play it?" He asked me pointing at the piano.

Yes i did." No i don't." I said hesitantly. He chuckled and shook his head.

"You are not good at lying you know, however Violet made breakfast and right now she is at the mall." He told me. Then he walked out of the room. He again left me alone that was a quite hurting thought i didn't know why i felt hurt. I was just losing my mind.

"Are you hungry or not?" I was so in my thoughts that he scared me he leaned against the door frame.

"I nodded and got out of the room he led me through a beautiful hallway then a living room and finally made his way to the kitchen. The kitchen was big enough , it was really pretty like the prettiest kitchen i have seen.

I sat on the chair which was of the dining table. He took two plates from the microwave and placed them at the table and then sat in front of me. Now the thing was that i was so confused why was he serving me and being so nice.

"Um.. My parents." I asked him cause i didn't see them and i totally know that they knew about my whole story. It was now added to my one of the worst nightmares.

"They came to see you when you were unconscious they were worried at first but they got satisfied that you were fine and right now they are somewhere no one can find them." He replied without even looking at me, eating his breakfast.

"What do you mean no one can find them?" I asked him. I didn't understand what he meant.

"Eat your breakfast Rose!" He said still not looking at me now his voice back to its usual seriousness. He can't just say that.

"You never tell me anything that's why i always end up kidnapping , crying, and being in pain." I told him with a not so cool voice. My life has been a wreck since he came.

"Do you always have to ruin my breakfast?" He said seriously. This time he looked at me and that was scary.

"Do you always have to ruin my life?" I spit back to him.

He didn't reply but he kept looking at me with disapproval and hurt eyes.

"I didn't told you to leave me when i had no friend except you, i didn't told you to kidnap me, i didn't told you to treat me like i am trash. I never told you to do anything." I yelled at him. He was unfair to me every time.

"You told me you would be fine." He told me standing up from the chair taking his plate to the sink.

"Well its not my fault that you are stupid, you are just pathetic." I yelled at him without thinking. He turned around and looked at me with hurt expression. Now i couldn't apologize to him. So i got up and walked out of the kitchen and then out of the house.

As i opened the door really cold air greeted me , it was like freezing but i couldn't stay in so i walked out. According to my surrounding it looked like i was in a forest. I kept walking the cold air was like knives to my skin. My hair was floating in the air.

I stopped when i saw a lake it was like crystal. I sat down by the lake and dropped my feet in the cold water of the lake. I knew i was hurting my self. The water was really cold.

"I never meant to hurt you." He spoke from behind me. He always followed me. I took my feet out of the lake and got up. I turned around and want i saw was not cool.

"Oh my God what did you do?"

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