Chapter 29

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And the scary journey began.

Dave was driving the car with normal speed. His face was calm. How couldn't he be nervous,

After a thirty minutes drive the border came into sight. Dave didn't even speak to me the entire ride. He parked the car at a good distance from the border. He got out and i did the same.

He took my hand in shock. He walked us towards the border and sat down a distance away from it so we couldn't be seen.

"So, what now? You said you would tell me the rest once we are here." I asked him.

"Slow down turbo take a breath." He said while a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Okay so, after i began to walk towards the border you began to walk back to the car and don't look back. Do you understand." He told me firmly. He told me not to look back well that be difficult.

"I'll try." I said really coolly i liked to irritate him.

"No trying you have to do this okay you don't know its important yo____"

"I was kidding Mr Serious just chill." I said cutting him off he just rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Then you drive back to the house. I'll be back on Wednesday." He told me bow really annoyed. Wednesday. Today was Monday.

"Okay i will finally have a break from your annoyed face." I said trying to be happy but inside i was really not cool with it.

"Well i thought i would need a break from you well i think god heard it." He said smirking i just rolled my eyes. The sun was almost set now i could barely see his face.

"Oh come on i know you will miss me." He said and i looked at him shocked. He knew it.

"Sorry i can't say the same for myself." He said it with smirk and i was about to burst.

"Okay Mr Liar you won't miss me." I told him now someone was smirking and it was me hah i am the cool one.

"No i am serious! I would look for girl who is not a Blondie , i think Blondies are stupid." Now it got me.

"Yeah really fine i will also look for a boy ten times handsome then you." I spat angry as hell.

"Ten times handsome then me huh so you think i am handsome." He told me with husky voice.

"What i i did didn't say that you are handsome junk face." I said stuttering and he started to laugh. It was like life to my ears i felt myself smiling too.

After he had calmed down he checked his wrist watch. He stood up and gave me his hand which i took pleasantly.

"Its time, you remember everything i told you right?" He asked looking in my eyes and i couldn't resist it. I nodded in response.

He turned around and started walking towards the border without another glance. I turned around too and walked towards the car. I was a few metres away from the car when i heard a lot of gunshots. My heart dropped right there.

I turned around. There was no sight of Dave. The gunshots were on their high. Tears rolled down my cheeks. There was a little sight of fire. I then turned around and went to the car with restless tears.

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