Chapter 9

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I woke up with the sun shining on me through the window it was so bright that i had to take a while to settle to the brightness.

I sat on the bed and stretched. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom i took a long warm shower once i was done i dried myself and wore a robe which was hanging besides the bath tub i went in front of the mirror it has been days when i last brushed my teeth so i search for a tooth brush i opened the cabinet and there was a packed toothbrush and toothpaste.

Once i was done i looked in the mirror. My blond hair was wet my blue eyes finally had some brightness in them my cheeks were in there natural colour and my lips instead of dried lifeless lips they were very pink and plump.

I was finally myself again i smiled to myself and went out i opened the wardrobe and there were clothes and dresses.

I finally chose a white dress it went above my knees i wore it and surprisingly it fitted me perfectly i dried my hair and put it in a ponytail.

When i was done i walked out of the door and went downstairs the path was confusing i walked around it looked like i was in a living room.

"Hey you're awake." I heard a voice and i knew who it was i turned around to see Violet looking at me happily. She looked cute, she was wearing a white top with black jeans.

"Yeah, Good morning." I said to her then she motioned me to walk with her.

"I was going to wake you up, but you seem like a morning person who is awake already huh." She told me and i nodded in response. We kept walking until we reached a big room we entered and there was a huge dining table and there sat everyone.

Everybody looked at me. I got really confuse under the stare of those three men.

"Good Morning." Blake said to me this was a bit good for me.

"Good Morning". I replied with a confused tone.

"So come on now we've been waiting to get started." Violet said to me sitting at the seat next to the one who's called Dave. I walked towards the chair next to Violet right at that moment Dave's cold eyes met mine then he eyed me head to toe then began typing on his phone.

I sat down and took the pancakes." I knew it, i especially made them for you." Violet spoke it seemed like she was really excited.

"Thanks." I said with a smile. Then everyone began eating quietly.

"Why did you leave London?" I was eating quietly then suddenly he spoke. Why the hell was he asking that question.

"Excuse me." I said with an angry tone. He looked at me and his expression hardened.

"I don't have to repeat myself." He said now that made me angry and nervous.

"That's none of your business." I stated really clearly. I put my fork and knife down and got up from the chair.

"You can't talk to me like that." I was about to leave the room when he spoke his tone made me flinch.

"Then don't ask me stupid questions." I spat without thinking.

"Why did you came all the way to New York when you got scholarship of one of the best colleges in London?" I was leaving the room when he grabbed my arm and spun me around so i was facing him.

All those scenarios made me cry. "Let me go." I Said in between tears i tried to get free.
from his hold. But his hold only tightened.

"Dave please let her go."violet begged him.

"Shut up." He yelled. His hold was getting tighter every moment. "Now i know you don't wanna break your arm so just answer my question." He said to me.

I was in so much pain that i couldn't breathe." I was getting bullied i got tired of everyday beating, tortures. I didn't tell my parents about that cause i was scared. I wanted everything to be over i tried dying a few times but i always failed so i thought about starting a new life." I finally burst.

Hi let my arm go and i fell to the ground i was angry and sad , sad because i remembered everything and angry because i was so vulnerable that i couldn't stand up for myself.

Violet came rushing towards me she tried to hold me. "Don't touch me." I yelled but it came out as a whisper. O couldn't breathe.

"Rose please." She begged me but i was totally out of my mind.

"I said don't touch me." I got away from her. I tried to get up once i did i looked straight into his eyes." I hate you so much and you deserve it. I said it so care freely.

He didn't break our gaze he stood there so calm and here i was who couldn't breathe it was all because of him.

"Go to hell." I told him and began walking out of the room i tried to find the main door.

"You know you can't." I was about to open the door he spoke.

I turned around to face him. "I can." I said and walked out he ran behind me once i was on the road i was a bit satisfied i looked back to see him chasing after me. My focus was on him that i didn't realize that there were cars on the road i kept running.

"Peep! Peep! Peep!" I heard a loud noise and then" Thud" a car struck with me. I couldn't feel anything. I saw him holding me onto him. He was saying something but i couldn't hear anything. My soul was finally getting freedom from this wicked world. A smile made its way up on my face. This time i didn't remember anything.

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