Chapter 22

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I knew i was in great trouble.

Dave gave me the most scary look i had ever seen. I didn't knew what to do so i burst out laughing.

"That was.....a really good really got me Violet....i love your jokes." I said in between laughter Violet made a confused look although Dave stood there with a blank face.

"I wasn't joking Rose!" Violet said and i glared at her. Dave kept looking at me with no expression.

"Come on Violet you didn't tell me anything like i said to Dave." I put pressure on my last words and Violet's eyes widened and she knew what was going on.

"Rose.." Dave spoke in a really soft tone he also had a soft expression i couldn't believe he would believe me so easily." I asked you and you said no and you know what i do when someone lies to me." He said still in that soft tone which was not so soft by its meaning.

I gulped i knew he would be so angry and could lock me up in dangerous places so i did the first thing that came into my mind.

Run for your life..

I began to run towards my room at first Dave couldn't figure out what just happened but then he began to chase me. He was almost going to catch me when i reached my room i stormed in and shut the door in his face and locked it. He began pounding on the door.

"OPEN THIS STUPID DOOR ROSE!" He yelled he was pounding endlessly on the door.

"No if i do you'll be angry with me." I said worried.

"Well that's your fault you should've told me the truth.... Now open this door." His voice was a bit calm now but still angry.

"I was just checking what would you say, its your fault you never told me i am your wife." I said now i was also in the same fury.

"You know why... Now open the door." He said really calm in a soft voice.

"No!." I yelled in frustration.

"Fine... I won't be angry with you." He said making me want to believe him.

"Promise?" I said.

"Promise" he answered and then i opened the door. He stood right in front of me. When he looked at me he had a devilish smirk on he face.

"Dave!...." I said confused. He took my arm and began dragging me towards the stairs. I tried to free myself but he was just so powerful.

"You know you are really innocent." He said with a chuckle.

He stopped dragging me when we came into the kitchen i then finally felt the urge to speak.

"What the hell Dave!" I yelled with anger but he kept his blank expression on his face.

"Since you've lied to me you will cook dinner for the rest of the week." He told me and at the moment Violet came in. I was still angry at her. I don't know why she didn't stop Dave when he was pounding on my door.

I finally gave in and began to grab thing i needed for the dinner.

Stupid me...


I sat on the table glaring at Dave who was smiling at me. I knew i was angry but to be honest he had one hell of a smile but i didn't let myself show my emotions.

Violet was doing the dishes. At least someone thought about helping me.

"You two look so cute like this." Violet's voice made me come back to reality. She was looking at us dreamily.

We didn't responded to her. She sat down with us. "Dave we haven't gone out what it seems like years so can we go out tomorrow?" Violet asked Dave pleading.

"No i don't have time tomorrow." Dave said really seriously. It looked like he was doing something in his head.

"Can Rose and I go then." Violet asked with great hope.

"No its not safe." He simply said and Violet didn't said anything after that.

I felt sleepy and got up." Good night." I said to them. Dave only nodded his head.

"Night." Violet said. I made my way to my room once i was in i went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth after that i searched the wardrobe for some Pajamas.

I wore them and laid down on the bed. I really wanted to unlock the secrets Dave had been keeping from me.

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