Chapter 14

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I woke up with a really bad headache. I opened my eyes but couldn't see anything there were no lights i tried to get up but i couldn't my hands were tied to a chair where i was sitting.

I tried to get free but i couldn't. After a while of useless tries i gave up i didn't know where i was or why was i here. John, he is the one to do stuff like this to me. I was in my thoughts when the door opened and someone came in.

There were no lights so i couldn't see who it was but by the heavy footsteps i could tell it was a man he stopped what it sounded like in front of me then i heard him turn on a switch. Really bright light came right into my eyes and i closed them tightly.

"I thought you would've wanted to see light but you like darkness." I heard him say it. I wanted to speak and ask him what do you want.

"What do you want from me." I asked him without opening my eyes. I felt the light become low so i opened my eyes that man was in front of me but i couldn't see his face.

"Just a few answers, we can make it fast." He said in a really truthful tone i didn't know what he was talking about.

"What answers, what are you talking about?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"Don't play fool with me girl, i know that you work for Dave and i think i should apologize for crashing your love life last night." He told me with a sorry tone. This man was not of Dave and he thought i work for Dave and what the hell Dave and i didn't have a love life.

"I don't work for Dave i promise and he and i don't have a love life trust me." I told him seriously. He knelt down in front of my face.

"I know how to get answers from people like you very well so don't play any games with me and tell me what is he planning on doing to the western pack?" He started off really calm but yelled at me at the end that made me finch. What have i gotten myself in.

"I promise you i don't work for him." I told him again but he didn't believe me.

"If you don't tell me the truth i would do many bad things to you first i will torture you then i will hurt you and if you don't tell me then i will sell you to those authorities from where you could never get out." He told me this happily. My eyes widened to his ways.

I started to cry i miss my family i miss that life when i never walked in that street of New York. He groaned then turned off the lamp and everything went dark again then he went out of the room.

I ruined my life. In that time i cried my heart out. I wished many things but mainly i wished that i had never met John or Dave whatever his name was.

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