Chapter 6

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I woke up in the same room, I've been waking up for two days. There was nobody except me i felt really bad pain in my neck , i know he made a bruise.

He did it , and i hate him more than anything i ever hated. I got up from the bed and made my walk to the bathroom. I went in and stood in front of the mirror, of course there was a bruise, my pale skin i never had pale skin except suffering from a fever.

I was really hungry, i haven't ate anything for two days and it was killing me. I eased my face and walked out. I was now wide awake.

Now finally that i was alone i needed to plan my escape. First i checked the time it was 7:30 it was early so i might have an easy way to get out.

My room had a window but it was locked, but one thing everybody missed was that it was made of glass. The first thing came into my mind was to lock the door in case someone walks in and ruin my escape.

I picked up the chair that was for the dressing table and tried to break the glass, after a few tries i broke but there were still some sharp edges , i cleared them with the bed sheet i looked outside.

It wasn't so high because what it seemed like i was on the second floor i putted my leg on the window pane i was about jump when i heard the door unlock.

Me being stupid i locked the door by its knob lock which could be unlocked from outside.

The door opened revealing the person i least expected. When he saw me his jaw clenched. I couldn't stay here now i had to leave i got ready to jump , i took a last glance at him and jumped i was happy to be free but also afraid if i could die but at least i wouldn't die by him.

I was in my thoughts she some one grabbed my arm. I looked up to see him holding the curtain and by his other hand holding me. I tried to break free but i couldn't.

"Let me go." I yelled but he pulled me up i was trying to get free but he was really powerful.

Well he did got me up and into the room once we were totally in he threw me on the ground right then Violet came rushing in behind her Mike and Blake came in too.

"I thought you said that you'll make sure she doesn't escape , now where were you?" He yelled to violet. His angry voice made me flinch as i tried to get up.

"I didn't know that she had wake up i thought she'd still be unconscious due to what you've done yesterday." Violet spoke her voice was in anger but also was in respect for him. "If you wouldn't have scared her she wouldn't try to escape." She said straight to him.

"Go home V we can handle her." He yelled to Violet.

I haven't realized that everyone was standing besides the broken window , the door was open, my coast was clear.
They have been arguing with each other this was my best chance.

After taking a final glance at them i made my run, i ran so fast but they were right behind me. I ran down the stairs , i finally saw the front door i was about to open the for when someone grabbed my legs and i fell down. I turned around to see it was Blake he was standing in front of me so i took the opportunity and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

He fell to the ground next Mike tried to trap me but He stopped Mike, yes He did my worst enemy. But i was confused. Why did he stopped Mike.

He came forward , i got on my feet. "We have fixed a bomb in parents house , somewhere that no one can realize its a bomb , you are allowed to leave, but once you take a step out of this house than you will never be able to see your parents, the choice is in your hands."
He said it calmly looking straight into my eyes.

Oh my god, why are you doing this with me. I don't want him to kill my parents. Tears came into my mind. I will stay here forever if its what it takes to secure my family. He saw the answer in my eyes.

"Put her in the basement." He said converting his attention to Mike who came forward. What the hell was basement now i mean i know what basement means but why do i have to be put into it. I am not a thing to put anywhere you like.

Mike grabbed my arm and began dragging me towards what it it seems like basement. He opened the door and i could barely see anything it was totally dark.

"No please don't lock me here please its so dark." I began begging to Mike, for a second his expression softened but it was just for a second. "Please, i won't run again please don't lock me here." I begged him again.

"Its an order , and i follow his orders." He said without any expression and threw me in and closed the door i ran towards it but he shut it in my face. It was so scary i had a really bad phobia of dark.

"Open it! Please open it !" I began yelling from on top of my lung and kept banging on the door. But no one opened it. I was already very dehydrated and due to yelling and crying it got worse.

I stopped banging on the door and sat with my back resting with it, i hugged my legs and started crying and thinking that i haven't answered any phone calls or texts because they have my phone would my family start looking for me or i will die here and they would never know what happened to me.

I was deep into thoughts that i didn't know when i fell asleep.

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