Chapter 16

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There he stood in the door. The man's eyes went wide when he saw him it was like he was afraid of him.

"Surprise." Dave spoke seriously. The man was like he had seen hell he went all pale. "Now dear Parker you shouldn't have done that." He didn't even looked at me for a second.

"You're always full of surprises aren't you?" That man whose name was Parker spoke.

"You know what Parker i don't want to give you that pleasure and finish off your misery." Dave  spoke.

"Look i just wanted to know why are you so interested in those blue print." Parker said to Dave with a frankly tone. It was total clear that he was afraid of him.

"It doesn't look like you just wanted to know. However you don't need to know anything." Dave told him looking at me for the first time. Dave took out his gun and pointed at Parker.

"Look Dave we can solve this problem like man and man way you don't have to do this." Parker stuttered.

"I think that you didn't have to solve it this way." Dave said to him. He was ready to pull the trigger

"Look man i did what i was told , its not in my hands." Parker said shakily putting his hands up in a surrender position.

For a moment Dave looked at him in an unreadable expression." Close your eyes Rose." He looked at me and said i was thinking what did he mean and then right at the moment." Boom!" He shot the man. I never saw someone getting shot by my eyes in real life and i couldn't move at the moment.

"Sorry its not in my hands." Dave said as the man fell down. I knew he was looking at me but i was so lost in the scene in front of me. He walked towards me. I looked at him my breath was lost in me. He pulled out a knife from his pocket and released my hands from the pole.

I fell to the floor but he took a hold of me although i sat on the floor i looked at him just to find him looking at me that gaze made me forget about all the pain in my body. I began to cry and this time i didn't care if it made me vulnerable all i knew was that if he wouldn't have come i could never make it out of here.

I was crying rest less. I couldn't breathe and by the second moment i fainted all i last heard was Dave calling me and the last thing i saw were his eyes.

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