Chapter 8

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The walk to His office was quiet. Once we reached it Violet opened the door. I was confused an sacred well to be honest the rate of sacred was higher than confused.

"Go now". Violet spoke making me flinch. I walked in, as i took one step in the door behind me closed. I turned around to see that Violet didn't came in but she left me alone with that monstrous beastly person.

As i thought about Him my mind went to think that where is he. I walked forward this room was beautiful it was coloured light brown that the wooden racks were matching it on the right side of the room there was a huge glass window.

It was so beautiful i didn't expected a murderer and a kidnapper to have this kind of beautiful office i thought it would be dirty with blood stains and dead bodies but it was nothing like that.

And there at one end of the glass there he stood leaning on the wall with a cigarette. I took my time to judge him he was wearing black jeans with a black shirt it wasn't totally black as the jeans it was a little light which can be differ from the jeans he was wearing a black leather jacket over his shirt.

To be honest he looked good even if he was a cold hearted beast but he was still attractive. But i still had to get out of here and i will even though whatever he said was dangerous but i was determined to get out of here.

I was so in my thoughts that i didn't saw him turn around towards me.

"Done checking me out." He spoke getting me out of my thoughts. He looked very serious.

"I wasn't." I lied. He went in front of his desk he half sat on his desk. I was standing right in front of him and he looked straight into my eyes. Those cold blue eyes made me shiver internally.

"I know you heard the conversation between me and Violet." Conversation, that didn't seem like a conversation that was like two beast growling a t each other." So i am giving you freedom like you can move freely around the house except this office and my room, you can't get out of this house and if you try to run there will be consequences, that's all now do you agree?"

"Yes." I do agree with some of his words but i clearly know that i am not going to stay and no one can stop me .

"That's a quick answer, are you sure?" He stood his eyebrow. Then he took his phone out and starred what seemed like typing.

"I don't have to repeat myself i said what i said. I don't change my minds like random people." I said care freely and in a satisfied tone.

He looked up from his phone with hard expression. Well that was scary then he sighed and again started typing it looked like he was controlling his anger.

"Get out." He spoke with a hard tone.

"I have a question." I said with a pleasing tone and a pleasing face he looked up again and put his phone in his pocket. That looked like my queue to ask. "Would you please take the bomb out of my parents house?" I asked him i was really tense about that bomb what if it bursts accidentally that brought tears to my eyes.

"Its already done." He said taking his phone out of his pocket again. I didn't know that he would do it now another burden was off my shoulders so could escape easily.

He got up from the table and went to the corner of the window and leaned against the wall he began talking to someone. I couldn't hear properly but his voice was calm he turned around and faced me he stood his one eyebrow i totally forgot i had to leave.

I opened the door and walked out after taking a last glance at him and closed the door i turned around to see Violet standing by the door looking at me with surprised look.

"What?" I asked her she was really looking weired.

"What do you mean by what?" She asked me she took my hand and began walking back where we came from.

"Are you okay , you're acting weired." I told her trying to get away from her.

"Its nothing its just he doesn't allows anyone except our family to talk to him like that." She told me. She sounded as if she was really surprise and she said family are they family.

"What do you mean by family, are you guys related." I asked curiously.

"When you enter in this squad you are family you are determined to defend each other." She told me, their squad they are so confusing.

"So you are also a member of this squad right?" I asked her she doesn't look like a gangster or something.

"No." She said easily i didn't understand what she means.

"What do you mean." I asked her if she is not a member than why foes she follow their orders.

"Alright i think i will tell you, I am Dave's sister." She told me happily. Now i didn't know who Dave was.

"Who is Dave." I asked her.

"Of course you wouldn't know, he is the one you met just right now." She said easily to me.

After a while Violet and i stopped in front of a door.

"So this is your room now you can go to sleep goodnight." She said opening the door. She waved a goodbye and went on her way. I entered the room then i realized that it is the room where have been kept. I laid on the bed turned the lights off and went to sleep.

Now in my mind was focused on one thing Those beautiful Blue eyes.

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