Chapter 23

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I woke up to a bright light. I open my eyes but closed them quickly due to really bright light. It took me a while to get settled to it.

I got up from the bed and checked the time. My eyes went wide when i saw it 11:30 i couldn't believe i slept for that long. I quickly got into a shower.

After a short bath i changed into some warm jeans and a white shirt with purple sweater.

I went out of the room and rushed downstairs. I went to the kitchen Violet was there. She turned around and said "Good morning".

"Good morning, why didn't t anybody woke me up?" I asked annoyed.

"Dave said you should get some good rest." She said smiling towards me and wiggling her eyebrow.

"So Mr Dave wanted me to have some good rest, sounds like somebody care." I said sarcastically. Violet chuckled.

"He does more than you think he just don't express it." She said placing a plate of pancakes in front of me. I started to dig in.

"Oh! Hey Dave told me to give you this." She said putting a mobile on the table it was my phone i was so happy to see it. I quickly took it and turned it on the first i did was to check an old person whom i haven't talked to for months. I opened the bar where Taylor sent me texts my smile faded.

"What's wrong?" Violet asked me really concerned. Taylor didn't sent me a single text. I checked my whatsapp no text.

"She didn't sent me any text." I said as my eyes felt wet.

"Who didn't?" She asked me.

"Taylor my best friend." I told her she knitted her eyebrows.

"Maybe she got really busy and if she didn't you can call and check up on her." She said calming me down. I believed her and nodded.

"So hey ! You wanna go somewhere?" She asked me trying to get me back on my mood.

" yeah i do but Dave said we can't." I replied making a sad face.

"Don't worry he won't find out." She said and i got conscious.

"I don't want to get in any trouble now." I told he holding my hands up. Dave would kill me if i did anything like that.

"I said don't worry you won't get into any kind of trouble." She pleaded and i gave in.

"So where you want to go?" I asked her and she just raised her eyebrow.


"Thank you for shopping here i hope we'll see you again." The manager of the shop smiled at us.

We went to a mall it was really huge. Violet took me to a lot of shops. We held more than like six shopping bags.

"Violet i think we should head home now , its getting pretty late." I told Violet who nodded in response.

We didn't had any problem heading home except one.
"Violet i can't believe you are making us walk home with all these bags." I whined. Seriously home was really away from the mall. The walk to the mall from home was easy now walk to home from the mall was killer.

"Come on we can do it." Violet said and i groaned. Yeah i groan a lot.

The sun had already set and it was dark i was kind of scared." What if we get home and Dave is already waiting for us standing in the living room with anger issues?" I said to her. I imagined Dave standing their with the most hard look on his face and filled with anger.

"He won't do anything except forbidding us from going out of the house forever." She said simply.

"What!!" I yelled at her response. She burst out laughing.

As we were walking the street i became much darker and creepier. There weren't any people on the street which made it more scary.

Suddenly i heard a car stop on the road a bit far from us i looked at Violet with a confused expression only to find her looking at me. The the window of the car opened and something silver appeared from it my breath got stuck and eyes went wide.

Then two gunshots were heard i screamed and the car rushed away. The thing was that the bullet didn't came in contact with me.

Violet fell to the ground but i held her so her head won't get hurt.

Violet took two bullets for me.

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