Chapter 26

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My mind was racing. I was sitting on the table with a cold coffee in my hand. After whatever i saw in that video. I regret everything i had done what i thought about him and what he was.

To be honest i felt i was such a fool. As i was deep in thoughts i heard footsteps coming my way. I looked up to meet those blue eyes. He had a smile on his face. Oh my God that smile made me feel the whole zoo in my tummy.

"Hey, deep in thoughts huh." He said to me with a chill tone. It wasn't a question it was a statement.

I narrowed my eyes at him. After everything i know i was still mad at him. Making me struggle this much.

"What's wrong? At you okay?" He asked me. He asked me if i was okay no shit i wasn't. I didn't know what i was doing my body went out of control and i stood up and split the whole cup of coffee in my hand.

Oh my God........

"What the hell Rose!" He tells getting up and taking off the shirt. Great i couldn't concentrate now. He had a big really beautiful tattoo on his chest one on his left arm.

I finally came back to senses and looked at him he had a smirk on his face. That evil smirk." How dare you always keep me in the dark. You didn't even tell me that i was your wife, you didn't tell me who you are, and i swear right now i am gonna kill you." I yelled at him as i was going to tackle him.

Going to that's what happened. He caught my arms and held them. I began to wiggle trying to get out of his hold.
"Let me kill you, you stupid , muscular, handsome oaf."
I yelled at  him as he Burt out laughing and i stopped at what he was doing. That laugh was like the most beautiful thing i ever heard. I felt myself smile.

He let go of my arms and i didn't do anything. I started to laugh too. "What's going on? Have you two gone crazy?" We heard a voice and suddenly stopped. We both knew who it was.

Sorry friends short chapter and i know i updated really late but i had exams. But they are finished now and i will at least update two chapters a week.

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