Chapter 15

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I had been there for more then two days i think ,without any food to eat or water to drink i was still in my party dress. That man came regularly and asked those questions again and again and i gave the same answers.

I had no energy left in me now and i couldn't escape. I wondered if anybody knows about this , that probably think that i got lost. If anybody will ever know where i am.


Dave's P.O.V

It had been two days since we last saw Rose. Violet didn't said a word to me since then Stafford and his wife were also staying with us for the moment.

I know that i can save her or we will find her because i know where she is now i have researched all the places where he was last seen.

The worst thing was that even after all i have done to protect her i still lost her.

"Did you find anything?" Stafford asked me hopefully.

"Yes i know where she is we'll be going to get her." I told him. He got happy but violet still stood by the window.
"Come on now Violet We're going to get her." I said  to her. She is the first person i love the most in my life and i will protect her till the day i die.

"Who knows what has he done to her, who knows how has she been?" She yelled at me. She got really open with Rose which she doesn't do normally.

"We tried to protect her didn't we?" I told her.

"Protecting doesn't mean caging  someone and torturing them, if you wouldn't have said that she wouldn't have ran." She yelled at me again she began to cry. She was right it was my fault i didn't know she would be this sensitive.

"You're right its my fault but i don't have time to say sorry and you can't solve a problem when you start to cry its can be solved only by thinking." I told her. She looked at mW with disbelief and shook her head. She ran out of the room. I know she wouldn't talk to me till i bring Rose home and apologize to her and tell her the truth.

Mike and Blake came in. "Everything is done boss." Blake spoke. I nodded to them and grabbed the gun placed on the side table. Then we all began our mission.


Rose's P.O.V

I was getting so weak. I had been crying a lot. I was sitting on the chair i had bee sitting for two days. After a while thinking about that i needed a walk the door burst open and there stood the man who abducted me his chest was heaving up and down looked like he was in so much anger.

He came towards me with a knife i thought he was going to stab me but he didn't he untied my hands with it.

"I have waited enough you bitch and i know you're not going to tell this way now i warned you before." He yelled at me i was freaking out that what will he do to me.

"Please just let me go i promise i don't know anything." I begged him but he didn't even budge. He grabbed fist full  of my  hair and dragged me out out of the room i cried and yelled but he didn't stop.

After a long passage of pain he stopped in front of a door he opened it. There was no furniture in this room except a wooden table. There was a pole at one corner of the room. On the table there were many dangerous stuff for me there was different types of knives , saw and whips that scared the hell out of me.

He threw me in the room and closed the door he gain took a fist full of my hair he tied my hands to the pole in was facing the wall so my back was towards him. He went to the table and grabbed the whip. My eyes went wide i had never been whipped.

"Please no , please don't do this." I begged him. He looked at me for a moment and smirked.

"Now, if you want this to end quickly just answer my question." He said holding up the whip to me. "Why does Dave wants the blue prints. He asked me. I didn't knew what the hell were the blue prints.

"I don't know anything about it." As i said to him the whip came in contact with my back it burned my skin and i yelled. I have never experienced this much pain.

"Tell me." He asked again then again the whip came in contact with me. I was yelling and crying but he didn't stop. He whipped me like 20 or 30 times and i felt like i was going to faint.

"Tell me if you don't want to die." He said to me. And whipped me again.

"I ...... Don't know." I told him but it came out as a whisper. My eyes were closing. Then the door opened with a loud Thud. I couldn't see clearly but i can always point him out even if there were thousands of people.

There he stood in the door.

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