Chapter 20

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I got up from my bed and went out of the room. I was seriously bored out of my mind.

I had been laying on the bed for like two hours but i couldn't sleep for a minute. I was totally blocked by what Violet had said i couldn't believe i was his wife i was so embarrassed to the words i said to him, all he was trying to do was protecting.

I went to Violet's room i knocked but their was no response so i went in the room was totally empty. I then walked down the stairs and went to Dave's room.

I open the door and there was the most beautiful thing i ever saw it broke my heart. Violet was crying really hard in Dave's chest he was holding her trying to calm her. It brought tears in my eyes , all the time i thought Dave was a bad person but i only realized that it was me who always tensed him , i was the one who said those words like knives and i won't forgive myself ever if i took a brother from his sister.

They didn't saw me so i easily went out of the room and rushed upstairs to my room and locked it. I crashed on the bed and began to cry. I did not only had regret but i was missing my family very much.

My throat felt sour so i took a water bottle from the night stand i was about to drink it when something caught my eye. It was Dave's mobile, i forgot that i put it here. I took it and turned it on by putting the password. Then a thought came into my mind that i can call my parents. I opened his contacts and searched for any number of my family. I found my dad's number so i called.

"Hello!" My dad spoke from the other side. I felt so good to hear his voice.

"Hey Dad!" I spoke in a shaky voice due to crying.

"Rose! Honey are you okay?" Dad asked with a tense voice. I missed him and mom so much.

"I'm fine dad i miss you and mom so much." I said as tears were streaming down my face.

"We miss you too Rosy, we will see you soon. You don't have to worry." He said with pleading tone. He also called my nick name. He used to call me Rosy when he missed me, it was a way to express his love.

"I love you dad and mom i just want to thank you for all that love that you gave me and for those thousands of kisses i can still feel on my face." I said as i broke down.

"We love you too, so much." I could feel the love and sadness in his voice. "Um.. So how is John now." My dad asked changing the topic that was best for us. The one thing that caught me was he knew about Dave/John uh i didn't know what to call him nor did i knew which name is his.

"You know about Da..... John." I asked him in a confused voice.

"Why won't I , of course i do actually Violet told me." He told me in a firm voice.

"Dad i have a question." I said to him remembering what Violet had told me.

"Go ahead." Dad said. I didn't know if he knows that i know about my relationship with Dave.

"Is there anything that you and mom are keeping from me?" I asked him.

"No Rose! We are not keeping anything from you because you already found out about it." He told me in a clear and firm voice. I was confused about what he had said.

"How do you know about what Violet told me?" I asked him totally confused.

"You'll find out one day. We love you Rose goodbye for now." He told me n great love and hope.

"Goodbye." I said and finished the call. Everything was full of conclusions.

As i finished the call. I fully stopped crying and cleared the tears from my face. Now that when Dave's phone was in my hands i thought about checking it. The first thing that i opened was gallery. As i opened it i was shocked. There were a lot of pictures of me some were of when i was going to college, cafe,restaurants etc.

As i was holding the phone in full shock the door opened and there stood my man, well i think that's a little bold i meant to say Dave.

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