Chapter 34

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Four days didn't took long to pass.

It was finally Tuesday and Rose was standing in front of the mirror with a beautiful white gown. Her mom chooses it for her. Taylor did her hair and Violet worked on the make up. Now Rose was looking like an angel sent from heaven.

"You look so pretty Rose!" Her dad said as he came in.

"Thanks dad!" She replied shyly.

"I can't believe my baby girl is all grown up." He spoke. Tears were clear in his eyes.

"Come on dad!" She said smiling as her dad also did.

He then wrapped his arms around her and gave him a loving hug." I love you Rose!" He told her. As they stood straight.

"Its time now." Taylor came in the room and she also did look really pretty.

They then left the room and went to the great car that stood in front of their house. They all went in.

The wedding was at a beach. Taylor and Violet were bridesmaids. Rose was happy but nervous at the same time.

The car ride was fast. They parked up in the parking side of the beach. That got out. Her dad stood her hand for her to take which she did with a tight grip. The walked slowly towards the isle. But something was terribly wrong.

Dave wasn't there. He was nowhere.

"Dad am i the only one who is not seeing Dave." She asked her father as they stood by the isle. The people their were also being curious.

"No he isn't here! Where is he?" He replied. Soon Taylor came next to them worried. Violet came into view.

"Violet! Where in the world is he?" Rose almost yelled at her. Violet was as worried as everyone else was.

"I don't know! He told me that something has gone wrong. He will be here!" Violet told her frustration clear in her voice.

"What do you mean something has gone wrong! He had to leave his wedding, God knows where is he now?" Rose felt sad and angry at the same time.

Everyone stood there worried. But he didn't show up.

Almost ten minutes had passed but there was still no sign of him.

"Sorry....i am really really sorry for not showing up at time." All of there heads snapped to the direction. There he stood a tired Dave it looked like he had ran all the way here.

"I actually had to go get a new ring for my wife and my car... Well just leave it." He said coming towards her she narrowed her eyes at him. But he kept smiling.

"You are such a stupid person and i hate you." Rose said walking towards him. He only smiled.

"Well i hope then you can make me better." He said which made Rose smile and blush.

"Ahem now that you are finally here shall we continue the wedding.?" Rose's father said and both of them went to the stage.

"Cut to the short please!" Dave said to the priest. Who only nodded.

"Do you Rose Dawson take Dave McAuther your lawfully married husband?"

She didn't break eye contact with Dave.

"I do!" She said without hesitation a smile was on everyone's face.

"Do you Dave McAuther take Rose Dawson your lawfully married  wife."

"I do!" And everyone went into cheers. Rose then looked at her finger where there was a diamond ring place which had a diamond rose.

And that was the moment went she realized.

She has Dave, the person who she hated at first the person who kidnapped her to protect her, the person who kept secrets from her, the person who protected her his whole life, as her husband.


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