Chapter 31

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"Taylor!" I almost screamed. I didn't knew what was going on, how did she came here.

"Rose!" She hugged me really tight and i did the same. The thing was after i moved to NewYork Taylor was the one who helped me with everything, when i was teased she helped me she taught me how to be strong.

"Oh My God i missed you." I told her. She ended the hug and she held up her hand, suddenly i felt a stinging feeling on my cheeks. I looked at her with shock.

"I missed you too but you didn't call or text i know why but after he gave you your phone back you didn't call me." She  yelled at me. Tears were in her eyes.

I slapped her on the cheek and now she was in utter shock." When i got my phone back there were no texts or calls from you." And then i realized what she had said." How do you know?" I asked her.

"I will tell you but first let us in." She said and she said us who was with her. And then two figures came from behind her they were mom and dad. I didn't even saw them there.

They hugged me." We missed you honey." The said at the same time.

"I missed you too." I said hugging them back. I was surprised about everything.

"Rose! Let them in please." Violet said coming from behind me. I moved to side and they walked in. We all sat on the couch.

"Now tell me what's going on!" I said really impatiently.

"I told Taylor everything." Violet said. I didn't knew they had a secret conversations.

"What do you mean?" I asked her knitting my eyebrows. I hate it when i am kept in the dark.

"Taylor is Mike's fiancé." Violet said and Taylor blushed  and  what happened to me was interesting. My jaw hit the ground and my eyes were going to come out.

"You__ but you never  told me about it." I asked Taylor who was still blushing and looking at the ground smiling." God dammit stop blushing and answer me." I almost screamed.

"Because i didn't want to uncover the undercover agent thing and i didn't knew about Dave and you." She told me and my mind then went back to Dave and an emotion full expression was put on my face.

"Honey just wait its not the time yet, he will be back." Mom said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yes Rose , you shouldn't over think and we are here with you." This time Taylor said which made me smile. For the fist time in life i realized i have so many people who care for me , love me and i want to do the same for me.

"Taylor i think you should go and unpack and Mr and Mrs Dawson if you need anything just tell me." Violet said getting up and all of us got up too.

"Sure." All three of them Taylor, mom and dad said at the same time and we all burst out laughing. And went on our ways.

I wished at that moment Dave was with us to laugh......

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