Chapter 4

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"Rose are you OK can you breath"? Mommy said with a scared tone.

I wish i could answer her but i couldn't even breath. I tried to take in the oxygen but i failed i was going unconscious and this all happened due to an injection that stupid doctor gave me.

"Rose stay with me honey, please stay with us." Daddy said with watery tone i know he was crying i wish i could stop it but i couldn't all i felt later was dizziness.

"Rose! Rose!"

"Rose wake up ! I said wake up!". I opened my eyes and saw the same girl before. She was really worried it was written on her face. Then i remembered everything and mostly getting injected .

I sat up in a swift moment then i realized that my headache has almost gone. I touched the left side of my head. Well touching was a bit hurting but it was better than before.

"What, does it still hurts?" She asked me why does she has to be so caring because as far as i know all the men i mean Mike , Blake and Mr blue eyes are totally heartless.

"Rose! Does it still hurts?" She asked me making me come back to reality .

"No". I didn't want to talk much because they kidnapped me. But then i realized something , she called me by my name. "How do you know my name?" I asked going away from her, how does she know my name.

"From your cell phone". She said easily with a shrug like it wasn't a big deal for her but it was for me. The bad thing was they have my cell phone , maybe i could find it and call help.

"Boss wants to see you so wash up, then i will come and get you." She spoke once again getting me to reality. She said boss wants to see me now who the hell is their boss.

"Who is he?" I asked curiously.

"You have seen him before but of course you don't know his name , so you'll find out when you see him."she said bluntly, i have seen him , i don't know who he is the only men i know by name are Mike and Blake, i don't even know this girl's name.

"What's your name?" I asked her. Then i took my time to judge her i haven't known her because i never get to. Well she was beautiful she had dark brown hair similar to her brown eyes she was cute to be honest.

"Its Violet but i am more called by V." She answered with a cute tone just like her so she is called by V but i like Violet so i will call her by this since i am here for a little while till i plan my escape now getting out of this room was better so i could judge the surroundings better than last time.

"I should get going now , take a shower i will leave clothes." After saying this she got up from the bed and walked of of the room of course locking the door behind her.

Now i looked to my surrounding, the room was big enough and had a king sized bed the was painted in light blue and white it was really beautiful.

Then i walked to the bathroom which was on the left side of the room  i walked in and to be honest this was the most stunning bath room i had ever seen.

I stripped and sinker myself in the bath tub which was already filled with hot water then all my thinking went to what it would've been like to spend these days with my family waking up in my own room eating my mother's hand made pancakes.

And now where i am , kidnapped by three dangerous men living in their house where i don't know how long i will breathe. All these thoughts made me cry i cried so hard that my sobs filled the bathroom. After a while i stopped crying i got out of the bath tub and dried myself with a towel. I used the towel to cover myself and looked at the mirror.

It wasn't me , the person in front of the mirror had pale skin and buffy eyes i inhaled and walked out of the bathroom. I went straight to the bed and saw clothes on it. It was a black shirt with strip sleeves and a light purple sweater and blue jeans.

I was about to throw my towel when someone cleared their throat i froze their i inhaled and turned around.

There he stood the one and only .

Mr Blue Eyes

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