Chapter 28

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It's been two months after violet woke up and six months after i saw Dave for the first time. Its really funny how everything changes you can't even realize what happened in a second.

Some changes are good , some are bad, some make us happy and some make us sad. Everything is like a rollercoaster you go up with time and you fall down not even in a minute.

I never realized how happy my life could be and i didn't realize it till i felt it. The man i am in love with, the girl who is my sister in law, the parents who loved me so much.

Love. It is such a strong feeling its not only between a girl and a boy. It is also motherly love, brotherly love, sisterly love and a daughter love.

It is all the love god has given me i can never thank him enough.


"Rose! We need to talk." Dave said sitting besides me. He looked the most handsome in the whole wide world and the love he had for me was shown clear in his eyes.

"About what?" I asked him. Curiosity getting the best of me.

"I am going to cross the border. I have a job and i want you to go with me only on the border." He said looking straight into my eyes looking for answer.

"What do you mean can't you go by airline?" I asked him knitting my eyebrows. I know how dangerous it is to cross a border.

"Its important. At 6 we will be at the border we will wait till six thirty. I'll explain the rest once we'll be there get ready." He told me getting up and looking into my eyes asking me to trust him which i will always even if it costs me my life.

I nodded getting up and making my way towards the bathroom to wash up. He gave me a last glance with a smile and went on his way.

I decided to take a warm long shower. I was afraid that what if something happens to him i couldn't resist that.

Dave and I mostly had short talks. We never went into long talking and stuff. But it felt good, it felt relaxing.

After the shower i decided to wear something warm. I wore a white full sleeved shirt and red trouser with a pair of warm socks, and a black sweater. I looked good but it didn't matter what mattered was that i had to wear warm clothes.

After i was done i checked the time it was 5:15 and we had to be at border at six. He told me right on time so couldn't reject well i wouldn't have rejected anyways.

"Rose are you ready?" Dave said walking into the room. I was wearing my boots i always liked to wear boots with my trousers i know its weired but that's the way i am.

"Ready!" I said as i got up from the bed. I was kind of feeling nervous and scared. I know that Dave is not the person to be scared for but still.

"Okay come on now. Violet said "Bye and take care"." He said. I nodded in response i have been doing this a lot these days.

We made our way out of the car and towards the car. Dave opened the door for me and then went to sit in the drivers seat. He started the engine and looked at me as if asking ready and i nodded with a sigh.

And the scary journey began.

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