Chapter 5

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There he stood the one and only.

Mr Blue Eyes.

He was looking straight at me then he looked me up to down and his blue eyes went a little dark.

I felt really uncomfortable under his gaze so i took the clothes that Violet has left for me and went to the bathroom and locked the door i quickly wore the clothes i gave myself a last glance then opened the room and walked out.

He was right where i left him. I didn't know what to do so i just stood there playing with my fingers , a common thing i do when i am confused or nervous.

"I sent Violet to tell you i want to talk to you." His voice made me realize that i am in a real world. It wasn't a question it was a statement.

I didn't say something in return , mor like i didn't know what to say i didn't even look up why does his presence made me so nervous.

"Look at me when i talk." Now this wasn't calm it wasn't furious it was going in between both. It made flinch and i finally looked at him. His blue eyes were furious as always.
"Rose Dawson,18 years old completed final semester in university, graduated from lake Monroe highschool ,
Father name Stafford Dawson,mother Liza Dawson, older sister Xania Dawson who is married and having a child." He said looking straight in my eyes .

I stood there frozen oh my god he knows everything about me. My voice banished i couldn't say a word.

"I know everything about you and if you try to run that little mouth of yours i won't hesitate to kill your whole family in front of you and then kill you too." The second moment he said that my body started to burn with anger no one touches my family.

"I dare you." I said how dare he talks about my family like me that. His eyes went dark and furious, i didn't know how i got this confident but i was totally sure pressed a nerve and he was going to pay for it.

"Did i say something wrong even if i did, i did it on purpose." I said and a smirk made its way onto my face.

His jaw clenched and hands went to fists.

First moment i was smirking and the second moment i was pinned against the wall by Mr Blue Eyes who was choking me i couldn't breathe. All my memories came rushing back, the first time i ever got injected that stupid doctor gave me a very high dose due to which i couldn't breathe.

I felt my eyelids getting heavy when the door opened and there came Violet. She was trying to stop him but i couldn't hear a thing everything was fading. Then he finally stopped and i fell to the ground.

"Rose! Rose stay with, please rose keep breathing."I heard violet panick but i couldn't answer her my eyes were closing but my gaze was on the one and only thing .

Those beautiful blue eyes which for the first time held regret.

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