Chapter 24

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I look towards Dave who was sitting on my right side. He was really strong at the moment i could see it clearly. His eyes were red and wet but not a single tear fell down from them. Whereas on the other side i had been crying a river.

After i realized that Violet got shot my heart fell. I called 911 and they took her to the emergency room. After a while of waiting i realized that i hadn't told Dave about it. I took out my phone but Dave already stood in front of me.

I was scared to tell him anything but still i did. I told him everything. He didn't do anything but sat down besides me.

"How did you find out that Violet was in hospital?" I finally asked him. I mean it is totally strange when i didn't told him anything but he came here.

"I have my sources." He said without looking at me. I could feel that he was mad but he was holding it back because there was nothing he could do now cause showing anger or yelling won't help.

"What type of sources?" I asked in a really low voice. This time he looked towards me.

"Does it matter?" He shot back. I was shocked but didn't said anything. He rested his head on the wall and closed his eyes.

"Sorry!" I apologised. He opened his eyes and straightened himself.

"It doesn't matter either." He said looking at me. I went deep into thoughts how she got shot. The car , the gun i didn't saw anyone.

"Since you knew about Violet i guess you know how it all happened." He looked at me briefly like saying"genius". Deep down i felt proud." So who were those people?" I asked him.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes." The one who abducted you." He said. Now that made confusions. He killed the man who abducted me.

"But you killed him in front of me." I asked him in confusion.

"He was just a puppet. A leader would never do anything like this. The man i killed worked for someone. He was one of the best men of His boss and their are other reasons."

I didn't said anything i never paid attention to this world where gangs mafia exists. I wonder if he is one of them.

Dave searched his jeans pocket. Trying to find something.
He took out his hand he had a little box, alright it wasn't so little but it was little.

"Here take this, this is the answer." He said giving the box to me. I got confuse he said it was the answer.

Of what?.......

I was about to ask him but the emergency room's door opened and the familiar doctor came out.

We stood up and reached him. "How is she?" Dave asked the doctor. He gave Dave a week smile.

"We took the bullets out. Thankfully the bullets didn't do any serious damage but..." The doctor stopped. My heartbeat went fast really really fast.

"But what?!" I almost yelled at him but Dave took a hold of my hands which obviously calmed me down.

"But she will need a long rest. She can be shifted home." The doctor said. It relaxed me a bit.

"How long?" Dave asked. He sure was worried like o was and his hold on my hand got tighter but didn't hurt.

"Like a week or a month." He told us i sighed in my head.

"Can we see her???" Dave asked.

"Anything for you Dave but she is still unconscious." He replied and went on his way.

Dave dragged me to Violet's room. As we went in my breath stopped. There we lay. She was so pale. I let out a cry and put my head on Dave's shoulder and began to cry. He patted my back trying to calm me.

It was all my fault......

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