Uh oh...

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Luffy's POV

"Shishishi! Come on Zoro I dare ya!"

Hello, my name is Monkey D. Luffy, I'm a mermaid prince who lives in the colorful Thousand Sunny cove with all my family and friends!..well, okay, maybe just my friends, but that's fine!

Right now I'm with those friends, and let's say things are about to get exciting, just the way I love it.

"Luffy you baka! Are you stupid? That's too dangerous!" That's my friend Nami, she's a mermaid too, only she had a tangerine colored tail, kinda like a clown fish, bit don't say that 'cause she gets super scary when she's mad!

"But Nami it'll be fun!"

My good friend Zoro, who's a swordfish mermaid, frowned at me but didn't make any move to intervene, "She's right Luffy, we don't want anything bad happening to you, the surface is really dangerous"

I turned to Chopper, who was my favorite thing to play with since he was a cool micro artic kraken! Even if I thought he looked more like a tanuki with a tail, but I don't say that since he doesn't really like that.

"What kind of bad stuff could happen to me?"

Instead of answering he just sweat dropped, "LUFFY DON'T YOU KNOW!?" We all looked up to see Usopp and Sanji, my two fishman friends.

"Know what?" Usopp sighed as he swam down in front of me, "you really gotta pay attention more in class Luffy! Ever since the old pirate king Gol D. Roger died the whole world was thrown into a great pirate era! Pirates are now everywhere! And they're kidnapping mermaids and fish people to sell them as slaves or eat them!"

I just blinked trying to let this new knowledge sink in while Chopper got spooked, "AHHH! I DON'T WANNA GET EATEN!"

In a puff of dark ink he sped off.

"H-hey Chopper come back!" Zoro's yell was unheard by the kraken as I continued to watch him zoom off at an incredible speed.

"Tch! We better go get him...Luffy you coming?"

I was dragged out of my thoughts noticing everyone was leaving to go find Chopper, "Nah! I'm gonna go find something to eat!"

Nami loudly sighed sounding unsurprised like she expected this, "Remember Luffy! Don't go close to any human ships and stay away from the surface!"

They all left me alone as I slowly started to drift towards my hunting grounds, 'hmm...I still wanna go up there though'

I looked up and smiled at the sparkling waves above, it was like they were calling out to me, little voices whispering me to go above, 'as long as I don't stay up there too long they won't know!'

In a burst of sudden speed I swiftly made it up to the surface, but I didn't slow down in time and accidentally launched myself out of the water like a jumping dolphin.


I flew up into the air madly spinning around, not being able to see a thing but flying colors and blurry flashing lights until, 'WHAM!' I landed on something hard and very dry, causing me to bruise easily.


Law's POV

I was just watching the sea through my little hole of a window down in my personal quarters, with a blank expression I watched a group of colorful fish in the distance speedily swim away near the ocean floor, leaving a bright red one behind as it lazily swam out of my sight and under the ship.

Unlike the other nine supernovas, I liked to look and thoroughly appreciate what this vast and unpredictable grandline had to offer, enjoying every little detail it gave me.

Although the ocean was my greatest danger and weakness, I still found tranquility and peace in watching it move around me, as if it being apart of it.

Almost like it couldn't just swallow me up and choke the life out of me at any given moment, I felt like instead of being hated by it, that it loved me instead when I was down here.

"CAPTAIN!" A voice I could recognize all too well tore me out of my thoughts, "yes Bepo-ya?"

As soon as I said those words, the door to my room burst open revealing the fluffy pillo-I mean navigator, yes he was a navigator, certainly not a pillow.

He panted in exhaustion as I rotated on my swivly chair looking right at him with what I would guess to be curious eyes.


I smirked at the excellent news, I knew I could always count on him, "well Bepo-ya, like to tell me what kind of information you got?"

The once frantic looking navigator then shifted quickly into a depressing aura looking down at his feet, "I'm sorry"

I chuckled at the polar bear's antics and leaned back on my chair, I always wondered how I was able to raise such a gloomy creature in the first place, maybe it rubbed off of me and onto him? "It's okay Bepo, now what about my information?"

He immediately lightened up at this as the aura dissipated, "the next island is called Sabaody Archipelago, it's actally a huge grove of trees with lots of area's such as the tourist's area, the amusement park area, the Marines area and the lawless area"

The last one piked my interest and Bepo-ya seemed to notice as he put more detail into explaining it.

"The lawless area is a place with no rules whatsoever, or any marines at that, it's an area where pirates, bounty hunters and kidnappers run wild with nothing to get in their way or interfere with their business" I nodded to let him know I understood.

"Also in that area is an auction house, where nobles and others at such status go to..to buy slaves such as other people, fishmen or even mermaids"

I clicked my tongue at that, there was always something about slavery that made me absolutely sick to my stomach, it was inhumane, disgusting, just plain wrong to think of another being as a toy that could be mearly thrown away or even broken without worrying about 'buying' another one, it made me think too much of..that man.

Just as Bepo-ya was about to leave me in peace, I noticed something bright red in the water buzz past the submarine and towards the surface, "what the-"'WHAM!'

Something loudly hit the deck outside, causing a large ruckus, making me immediately go onto the defense as a gripped my nodachi.

'AN ATTACK!?' I thought.

I moved past Bepo-ya and ran as fast as I could to get outside, arriving on the deck and seeing no one, frowning in stress, I swiftly got to where I thought the sound came from to find a gasping and amazed crowd of my crew blocking whatever hit us.

"Captain you might wanna see this!" Penguin hollered, not yet noticing I was already here.

"Move aside" they all immediately followed my command uncovering whatever they were all awestruck by.

I blinked, then my jaw slightly dropped, and finally a tiny sound came out, "eh?"

Laying right in front of me, probably still dazed by his rough landing and possibly even injured judging from the way his skin was already bruising, was a young looking mermaid.

I swallowed knowing just how rare mermaids were, after the pirate age started, they became basically unfindable without any information on where their other homes were other than fishman island.

Until now that is...

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