We're Here To Save You!

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Shits about to go down....and maybe a bit of drama


Only yesterday, the crew found out the terrible secret, and here was their reactions, first they hunted down their cold captain who was with Luffy at the time, and actually worked up the nerve to DEMAND an explanation.

After Law did indeed clarify the prince's true identity...they celebrated, as weird as it sounds they actually accepted the fact the MOTHER FUCKING OCEAN JOINED THEIR CREW, AND CELEBRATED FOR IT!

It was early in the afternoon, and nobody currently had any work to be done, so they all just enjoyed their sweet time knowing they'll never have to worry about another storm EVER.

"Hey Luffy?" Being pulled out of his delicious daydream, the mermaid mumbled a few incoherent words and shifted to his side, now facing the curious duo after wiping the drool from his lips, "Ehhhh? Why did you guys wake me up? I was having a good dream about meat"

Penguin gulped feeling a bit nervous, ever since they found out he was the sea Penguin felt a little uneasy about doing anything that might upset the powerful little creature.

"Hey Luffy, some of us have been feeling a bit uneasy..is there anything you could do to help?" Luffy blinked and quickly sat up scooting over to the two troublemakers in worry, "whatcha mean Sachi? Are you guys seasick or something?"

Penguin shook his head, "No..it's just sailor's intuition, we're all just kinda tense about...something, it's instincts, we just like something bad is heading our way, you know?"

After a bit of thought an idea seemed to have clicked into his mind, "OH! I have an idea! How about I sing for you?" This particular sentence caught the attention of a certain someone, who was 'so not' stalking them from the shadows.

"You..you can sing?" The mermaid vigorously nodded as he scrambled to the center of the deck, after clearing his throat, all sound around the ship disappeared.

"A gentle smile and dignified smile~

Your adorable smile~

Silver hearts and gold hearts~

I'll give them all to you~"

The crew's jaws dropped as they went into a peaceful daze, Luffy had the voice of a siren, without the effect of making someone want to jump into the dangerous waters of the sea of course.

None of them ever expected for such a person to have such a sweet voice.

"Alchemi, alchema~

Hold the gold star~

Alchemi, alchema~

Go into a dream~

A gentle smile and dignified smile~

Your adorable smile~"

As Luffy continued singing, Law swore he started to hear the sound of heavenly organs coming from the very ocean itself over the quieting slams of the waves.

"Silver hearts and gold hearts~

I'll give them all to you~

Alchemi, alchema~

Hold the gold star~

Alchemi, alchema~

Go into a dream~"

When Luffy opened his eyes again, he was met with his entire crew laying there in a peaceful daze, he broadly smiled feeling proud at himself for successfully calming his nakama down, especially seeing Penguin and Sachi both leaning on one another in their dreaming.

That was until an all too familiar shadow loomed over his small form, "ah? Torao? Why are you not asleep?" The young sea reincarnation was a bit startled when he noticed Law's face, instead of his usual calm and aware gaze he looked exhausted and sleepy with his bags more visible than ever.

"L-*yawn*-Luffy-ya where d-did you learn to sing l-like that?" It took all of the younger's willpower to not giggle over how adorable the doctor looked when so sleepy, he was childish in a way he couldn't describe.

"Here Torao, lay on my lap"

Luffy walked over to the mast and sat down, leaving his legs nice and open for the weight about to come.

Too groggy to think straight, the surgeon obeyed his request and collapsed into the smaller boy's lap, his eyes were quickly falling shut but he still fought to stay awake.

"Y-you didn't answer my q-*yawn*-uestion"

The prince giggled at the pure cuteness laying right on him and smiled fondly at the mess of a pirate captain, "My friend Brook taught me, he's a leviathan that was brought back to life by a curse, so now he's a swimming pile of bones"

Luffy smiled at the thought of his friends, 'maybe I should visit them sometime?' He thought.

"Hey, Torao?"

No responce, Luffy moved his head to take a glimpse at his captain and found him completely asleep! The boy giggled as Law scooted a bit closer in his sleep, "Ah, looks like Torao's asleep" Luffy knew better than to wake him up, he knew how much the surgeon needed his sleep so he was very pleased to know he'll finally be able to get some now.

Just as the mermaid was about to fall asleep himself with the rest of the crew, a bunch of heavy solid objects flew out of the ocean and somehow landed without too much of a sound.

"Okay, guys let's find him" at first Luffy was panicked, but when he saw the mysterious figures faces...HE REALLY PANICKED.

It was his friends!! In human form!! And they did NOT look happy!!

Without thinking and not wanting Law to wake up he called out to the rescue team in a yell whisper, "GUYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?"

Zoro turned around to face the voice and almost fainted, a human pirate, who seemed to be the leader judging from his difference in clothes from the others, was SLEEPING ON LUFFY'S LAP! THAT WAS NOT OKAY!

"DUDE! WE'RE HERE TO SAVE YOU!" Zoro, Franky and Usopp yell whispered back to him, they were about to make their way over there and yank Luffy off board before the pirates woke up, until the boy hissed in a very agitated tone.


Nami furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Luffy what are you talking about?" The mermaid bit his lip in frustration and continued to hiss, "I DON'T NEED HELP! I DON'T WANNA LEAVE!"


DUN, DUN, DUN!!! WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINKS GONNA HAPPEN? will Law wake up and turn things into a bloody mess? Will Luffy jump ship and ditch his new nakama and lover? Will his friends respect his decision and let him stay?


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