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They made it, the auction house.

Law tasted bile in the back of his throat at the sight of it, the closer they got to it the worse he felt.

But the surgeon just had a feeling there was something really important to be done here, he just didn't know what yet.

Luffy perked up at the distant sight of the rest of the crew "OI! MINA! TORAO LOOK! IT'S THE OTHERS!" Luffy's excitement quickly brought the others to ease as they finally made it up to the front of the inhumane place.

Law scowled at the sleezy looking worker with a sly smile on his features, "ah, you must be here for the next auction correct?"

Law kept himself from chopping the guy up to bits in irritation but instead gave him a frightening glare, "yes, we are here for the auction, what else could we possibly be here for prey tell?"

The man swiftly backed down fearing for his life.

"A-ah I guess y-you're right sir, I'll open up the d-door right away!" He zoomed off, probably wanting to get the hell away from the bloodthirsty scary man before him, disappearing behind the corner.

Luffy's POV

What the? I blinked up at Torao but he didn't notice me, strange.

Ever since we got to this building, Torao's been acting kinda weird, I looked around and saw that the rest of the crew had similar scowls on their faces.

Why is everyone acting so stiff and uptight? What's wrong?

I couldn't hold back my curiosity as I gently shook Torao's arm, when he looked down on me I felt uneasy and flinched, his eyes were cold, mean and angry.

But when he realized it was me they softened up again, but they still had that hard tinge to them that I didn't like, "what is it Luffy-ya?"

I tried hard not to wince, that wasn't the loving voice of my mate, it was the cold voice of a cruel, sadistic captain, "w-why is everyone acting so weird?"

He seemed to tense and something like realization flashed through his features but as soon as they came they left, regaining that blank look on his face, "this place, isn't very...legal or humane Luffy-ya" I blinked and looked up at the two big doors that still had yet to open.

"When we get in there I want you silent, and no scenes, got it?" This time I visibly winced at his tone.

"Got it?" I stared up at the back of his head remembering I still haven't made a responce, but it hurt, my heart stung from his treatment but I shook it off, he was just pretending, I know it, so I just had to play along, "yes....captain"

Law's POV

I felt an agonizing pain rip in my heart when he called me that, that wasn't the voice of my precious happy little mermaid, no, it was...sad, and hurt.


I felt tears trying to make it's way to my eyes, I didn't want to treat him like that but I can't let people around here know my relationship with him!


I resisted the urge to wipe them off, that would be admitting that I was indeed crying, one tear was about to roll down my cheek until a soft, comforting hum filled he air.

"Hmmmmhmhmhmmm" I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling or visibly relaxing, it was his voice, the hum of my loving, precious ocean, humming a small tune, sneakily letting me know he was okay.

'Finally about damn time' after what seemed to be ages with only Luffy-ya's sweet humming to keep me patient, the doors slowly creeked open.

But when we all stepped in, I froze.

Shit, shit, shit, SHIT DOUBLE SHIT!

Right infront of us was a celestial dragon dancing around with a gun, "I SHOT THE OCTOPUS BOI!"

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