I Love You pt2

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Here we go again, Luffy didn't even try to resist, in fact he encouraged it.

Remembering from their other two times together, Luffy skillfully found the captain's sweet spots, toying and teasing them all over the dark doctor's body while sneakily stripping him of his clothes without him noticing.

"Mmnn, Luffy-ya," Law continued to purr and occasionally mewl at all the attention he was given, "ahhhh, Luffy-ya right there!" The teen smiled when he found a hidden sweet spot right below the surgeon's jugular to the left.

"I wanna hear your noises Torao"

The mermaid harshly bit down into the spot, effectively driving the older man crazy, "AHHH! LUFFY!"

Liking the responce he got, the prince removed the surgeon's pants, leaving him in his undergarments and started to REALLY start the action.

Law's POV

I was in absolute bliss, Luffy's hands were all over the place, getting all the right places.

Of course, there was no way I was gonna let him dominate me, but everytime I tried to take back the show he would strike a sweet spot and deliver me right back to my knees.

It was way too good to fight back, was my mermaid always this skillful?

Damn, I forgot how good it felt to have someone else spoil your senses, maybe letting Luffy-ya have the spotlight a little longer would be a good idea, yeah, that sounds good.

"Ahhhhh! Luffy!"

I blinked a few times when all the pleasure suddenly vanished, after a few more pants I turned my head down to investigate only to swing it back up again with a loud moan, "AHHHHH! GOD!"

I was worried that I might have given myself whiplash doing that, but couldn't seem to gather my thoughts, somehow Luffy was able to sneak off our clothes and my boxers, and was now giving me a hell of a blowjob.

I felt embarrassed for acting like this, moaning and mewling like he should be, but it was just so damn good I couldn't resist.

"Ahh! ohh Luffy!"

I just couldn't stop the words coming out of my mouth, he was just to damn good at this! 'shit, if this continues I'm gonna...'

Although I kinda didn't want to now, but I knew I had to take the show back now before I cummed too soon.

Luffy's POV

Just as when I was going to take him even deeper Torao shoved me off and flipped us over, I was still slightly dazed when a smooth pair of lips slammed into mine, "time for me to take back the show, I'm gonna make you pay"

Before I could even react he thrusted inside of me, "AHHHH!" It didn't even hurt anymore, I was too excited to feel any of the pain that should have been there, "LAW!"

He softly cooed into my ear, "I know baby" everything was going so slow, he was teasing me, but unfortunately for him I knew how to turn him on, WORDS.


Okay, I have to admit I may have gone a bit overboard, if Law's blazing wild eyes after saying that meant anything..


He went ballistic, it was insane, he was going just too fast for me to get used to, "AHH! L-LAW! S-STO-AAHHPP! SL-LOW DOWN!" It was no use, I pushed him to far, he wouldn't stop until he did exactly what I said, wreck me.

"MMMWWWAAAAA!" I jolted as I suddenly came, it was even more explosive than last time!

As we pulled apart laying side by side, I almost felt like my consciousness was being pulled away from my body, floating away into a empty blissful state, after what seemed like a millenia I finally felt awake enough to speak.

"L-Law, that was mean"

All I heard in response was a chuckle, "Sorry my precious prince" I smiled at the nickname, "It's alright my handsome doctor"

I heard him tilt his head towards me but I still didn't move out of exhaustion, "keep talking like that and we'll just might have a round two" once again pushing my limits I turned to him and challenged him once again, "oh really?"


I'm sorry if I went too out of character for your tastes but DEAL WITH IT!!!

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