Two Years Ago

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ME: I'm *sniffle* going to be making my own *hiccups* version of the two year time skip now *sob* since in this timeline it never happened yet because of Luffy...until now *bursts out crying*



YOROKOBI: Holy shit, what's the title?

ME: It's called 'the thought' it's on youtube...don't watch it it'll make you cry.


Luffy woke up from his dream in a cold sweat, it was about what happened after he was returned to Law when he was kidnapped two years ago, it was a wet dream he would occasionally have about his boyfriend, the pirate king.

He smiled and sat up out of the bed and headed straight for the bathroom, wondering whether to take a hot shower or a cold shower to get rid of his arousal.

After the little 'catching up' they did, life went back to normal on the little yellow submarine, well as normal traveling with Luffy could get.

Along the way, they met up with the Strawhats again, at first the little meeting was hostile and weary from the heart pirates, but after a little chat and a few pushes they finally got things cleared up between them.

Luffy hummed a little tune as he swayed in the shower feeling giddy all of a sudden.

Finally in the end, after completely running circles around their rivals, they finally made it to Raftel, and damn, if they've never seen such an amount of gold that was the one piece.

After the news broke out about Law becoming the new pirate king, his bounty went through the roof with 455,000,000,000 beli, and boy did they become popular!

Kidd always came by for a spar or just a drink or two, not for serious fights though, being an emperor and all, I mean, that would totally send the new world into a state of panic if the king of the pirates went into war with an emperor, and neither wanted to give the marines a reason to pester them, so whenever they had the urge to fight they'd just ignore it.

Speaking of new emperors, not only did Kidd become one, but Bonney, Hawkins and Apoo did too, even if they didn't hold a candle to Kidd most of the time, they did act as great punch bags when the redhead made Law extra pissed.

Though through all their differences and arguments, the four were always backing them up no matter what, for good times sake, I guess age really did help them mature..even if they were all still stubborn idiots.

As soon as the shower ended, Luffy stepped out and wrapped himself up in a huge fluffy towel, humming when he caught the slightest smell of Law.

Life was good on the now not-so-little-anymore submarine.

Yorokobi was still cracking jokes and making trouble for the two love birds on the ship, Sachi and Penguin were still their slightly perverted silly selves messing things up as the days went by, and Bepo was still that shy, apologetic polar bear we all came to quickly love, even if he doesn't kick enough ass as he wants to.

Finally done getting ready for the day, Luffy opened the door to be met with the face of his beloved, "hey beautiful, did you sleep well?"

The prince chuckled at his mate and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before he stroad past him, "yeah I had a good dream"

The captain quickly caught up to him, smirking at the giddy bounce in the boy's step, "hmm, what about?" He hummed.

"Remember when I was kidnapped and flung myself back onto your ship two years ago?" Law grinned in silent laughter and pride at the memory, "yeah, you couldn't walk for an entire week after that!"

The mermaid got a fiery blush and looked away, "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE GOING TO BE LIKE THAT!"

"Well that aside, maybe I can give you a replay tonight~" he whispered into the boy's ears making him squeak, Law burst out into laughter as they entered the mess hall, being immediately greeted by everyone within in their proximity.

The pirate king smiled as Luffy stole pieces of bacon from Sachi or Penguin's plates and chuckled when Yorokobi caught him trying to steal from his.

Yep life was perfect now, Law had Luffy and Luffy had Law.

And no one was taking either of them away from each other, for Luffy was his sea and Law was his king, and they liked it just like that.

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