Meeting The Competition

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Sweet cheesus, Law pleaz dont kill meh, I promise U Luffy's gonna be safe.

Plus I'm so sorry 4 the late update 4 the last chappie, I thought I published it but apparently I didn't.


Luffy's POV

This place was so damn cool!

Back at the tourist area, it was so lively and crowded, but this place is so open and gave me more room to run!

Although, because of my clothes I couldn't, see before we left the ship Torao made me put on the crew's uniform, I was wearing a thick boiler suit just like all my other nakama only mine was red! YAY!

I put my hand on my heart, right where the golden stitching for the crew's jolly roger was, although I liked the suit, it was just too hot to run in!

But when I asked Torao if I could take it off, he said I had to wear it so people knew I was with their crew and not to mess with me.

I looked over at my mate and smiled again, I took my hand off my heart and wrapped my fingers around the amulet instead.

This tiny jewel was the best thing I've ever recieved in my entire life, just thinking about it when he tied it around my neck as we cuddled made me want to cry with happy tears.


As the group continued to walk through the cool place I noticed some buildings up ahead, "hey Torao, I see some buildings"

After what seemed to be snapping out of a daze he slightly jolted his head up and noticed the houses and bars of empty buildings.

"Okay, thanks Luffy-ya, MEN! From now on I want you all to be on high alert, there are bound to be at least one supernova also in this area, so keep sharp!"

Law shouted to the crew waking them up from their slightly distracted state of mind, "AIE CAPTAIN!"

They all stopped in their pace to give a funny little salute, they look so funny! Shishishi!

Normal POV

Law nodded in acknowledgement as he unconsciously pulled the prince closer to his side, Luffy noticed the captain's stressed state and decided to comfort him, "don't worry Torao, you know I can handle myself, I'm tough"

Law looked down at the mermaid's determined eyes and considerably relaxed, "can't be too cautious when it comes to keeping you safe"


The heart's were walking through the seemingly abandoned town and all sighed in boredom.

Absolutely nothing was happening! Not even any bounty hunter ambushes! Though Law would've immediately slaughtered anyone who had enough balls to try to do so.

Finally, they got to a small clearing in the middle of the town and found something that caught their attention, right in the smack dab center was a fight, and not some any fight.


Law's POV

I looked at the two fighters in interest and immediately put a name on both figures, the thick, tall man waving a huge pillar around was the captain of the Fallen monk pirates, mad monk Urouge-ya with a bounty of 108,000,000 beli.

And the other man fighting him was quite well built with a somewhat bulky frame wearing a mask on his face, massacre soldier Killer-ya, first mate of the Kid pirates with a bounty of 200,000,000 beli.

I smirked, maybe going all the way out here wasn't so bad.

Then to my luck, I noticed an old crate a good distance away from the fight and decided to watch from there.

I sat down onto the crate and hunched over, preparing myself for a good show while making sure Luffy-ya was safely by my side, during which I was able to get some usable information.

It seemed like Killer-ya was quite agile and fast dispite his bulky size, he was light on his feet as he continued to dodge the pillar being swung at him with a sure step.

Urouge-ya though seemed like he wasn't very skilled against a quick opponent by the way he wasn't able to get a single good hit on him.

Just as the show was getting good, I felt a fast approaching presence rapidly make their way to the battle, just as the two supernova's were about to land a hit on each other, another recognizable face got in the middle.


If my hunch was right since I didn't directly look at the figure yet, it was red flag X Drake-ya, captain of the Drake pirates with a bounty of 222,000,000 beli.

I felt irritation as they broke up ending the fight, and I was just getting some good info too!

As he was passing by with his own small group of subordinates I couldn't help but let my lips lose, "damn, just when it was getting interesting too"

His attention was immediately on me as if he just realized my presence "ah, I recognize you, Trafalgar Law with the highest bounty of 500,000,000 beli I presume?"

I gave him a lazy smirk as I stared right into his eyes, "that's right, nice to meet your, how many people have you killed yet?"

A slighty sadistic smile twitched onto my face, but as soon as it came it left, I noticed how Luffy-ya became tense when he stopped in front of us so I decided to keep this conversation short.

He blankly stared back at me with an unreadable expression and huffed, "you're trying to study me, aren't you?"

My shoulders bounced as I kept my chuckles silent, though I knew he saw it, "oh, but if you knew that then why did you just help me with it?"

And without another word to the other we left.

Luffy-ya, you alright?" I looked down and scowled at the blank look on his features, but then it was replaced with a familiar bright smile.


I blinked at the now hyperactive mermaid bouncing around the group like a excited little puppy making his new necklace bounce with him, "so, you're fine?" He nodded and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Yep, I knew you wouldn't want me causing any attention to myself so I kept quiet, shishishishi"

I smiled knowing he at least had SOME intellect.

"Okay men, time to head to the rendezvous point, the auction house" I smiled as I continued to watch the little mermaid bounce around excitedly.

Neither of us had any idea the mess we were about to get into...

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