Coming Back For Me

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I hope U guys aren't too mad that I'm doing these 'have-nothing-to-do-with-lawlu' chappies...


Robin's POV

I...felt ashamed, empty, a failure.

Luffy-kun was always there for me and I just sat there and let him get stolen away from us, it was the most disgusting feeling
I've ever felt and will continue to be so, self disgust.

I looked down at my most prized possession, it was a dusty scratched up amulet, to others it may be worthless since it was so plain, but this priceless jewel had a meaning, all of those who were part of Luffy's personal entourage would have one accustomed especially for them.

Mine had a flower petal engraved on it, and I still remember the day we met so crystal clear.



Constantly, I was always alone.

I sat down on the cold, frigid deck of the pirate ship and stared blankly at the afternoon ocean waves.

After my mother died with the rest of my home during 'the great catastrophe' aunt and uncle sold me to human pirates for a few extra bucks after their home was torn up.

I was nothing but their little cabin girl, all alone, the only things that kept me going was nii-chan Saul's words, 'nobody is born into this world to be alone'

I knew I just had to wait until that day came...but maybe he was wrong, I've been alone my whole life, waiting for them for nine years.

Maybe having company just wasn't in the stars for me.

Everyone who would see me here would just swim past me not caring and never come back.

"OIIIII!" I froze and looked down, right below me floating on the ocean surface was another mermaid kid who looked to be around my age, with short jet black hair and unbelievably huge chocolate eyes.

"What are you doing on a human ship!?" He said it more curiously than cautiously.

"..I'm a slave here" I didn't want to be rude to the kid, and he hasn't made any moves to tease me...yet so I answered, he frowned and narrowed his eyes at the chain around my ankle, to keep me from escaping into the ocean.

"Do you want any help?" I paused, then I blinked after registering what he said, "y-you want to help me?"

He smiled and nodded his head "Yeah! We can be nakama!" I felt like I knew that word...ah I remember, it means closer than friends but not romantic in any way, more

"You want me to be your nakama?" The boy continued to nod his head ,"YEAH! You seem cool!"

I offered a small smile as the boy started to mumble to himself, 'Saul nii-chan...I think I just found a friend' I thought.

Then his giggle brought me out of my thoughts, "shishishishi, I'll be right back, I think I know who can help!" The boy dived into the water, leaving me with silence.

...He was coming back to get me, right?


It's almost dusk, he wasn't coming back.

It was all another cruel joke life threw at me, I was never going to have...naka-"WE'RE BACK!"

I gasped and threw my head down, in all his glory there he was, the boy from before, "y-you came back!" I was truly astonished, I was so sure he was going to leave me here.

He exasperated a sigh, "well of course we're back! Sorry it took so long, Zoro kept going the wrong way and getting lost!"

That's when I noticed the other merman beside him, he also looked to be around our age only he looked older and more mature than the other boy, his head looked like it was growing algae, and pale greenish skin.

"Zoro here's gonna cut up that chain for ya!" The shark merman took out a white katana gave me a small smile, "don't worry miss, we'll get you out of here"

I smiled at his gentlemanly actions, but then I frowned when a certain realization came apon me, "but how is he going to reach up here?"

They could always climb aboard but that was too risky, the boy named Zoro just grinned at me, "I'm a skilled swordsman, so don't you worry, but the rest of that ship is kinda in the way...Luffy would you move her off the ship for a sec?"

I was puzzled, how was the bo-Luffy, supposed to move me? "Okay Zoro!"

Luffy closed his eyes and bit his tongue looking like he was concentrating, as he slowly lifted his arms, two mounds of water appeared as well forming two huge water pillers, like liquidy arms they lifted me up and showed the chain off like it was on display.

"Thanks Luffy! ONE SWORD STYLE: SLASH!" And just like that, the chain shattered.

The two watery mounds carefully brought me into the sea, like a mother would do for their child, it warm.

The two boys swam up to me with big goofy smiles, "welcome to the gang-uuuhh, what's your name?" I giggled at Luffy's silliness.

"Robin, Nico Robin" Zoro smiled at me, "nice to meet ya Robin" that's when I remembered the weird water trick they used, "Hey Luffy, what was that trick you us-"


I looked back and saw a pirate screaming at the others to get me, "UH OH! TIME TO RUN SHISHISHISHI!"

They both grabbed one of my hands as they sped off into the water, as we got deeper I remembered to release my human form, my two legs melded together and formed a purple tail as gills replaced my lungs as I sucked in a mouth full of water.


"GAHHHH! I THINK WE LOST THEM" Luffy-kun was now mumbling incoherent words as Zoro-kun carried him on his shoulders, like an older sibling would do for their sleepy brother.

"You wanted to know how Luffy did that trick earlier with the water right?" I blinked and stared at him.

I was suprised at his voice coming out of the blue, "y-yes, I'd never seen anything like it"

He smiled at me full of obvious pride, "You just became part of the entourage of the Ocean's reincarnation"

Flashback over~


After that, being with Luffy-kun as part of his entourage was the happiest time in my life, he truly is what others would call him, a ray of sunshine...

And now here's gone.

I looked around, Zoro-kun and Sanji-kun were frozen like statues, Nami-san was curled up like a ball on the ground, Chopper-kun, Franky-kun and Ussop-kun were all silent huddling together, while Brook-kun just layed there, almost as if he really was dead.

We were a mess without him, and we needed to get him back at all costs...even if it kills us.

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