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Okay, I'm just gonna tell U now, I'm gonna fuck shit up. (mad maniacal laughter) AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!


It was all like a bad dream.

The heart pirate's submarine was right in their line of sight, all they had to do was jump on board and zoom off, off and far away from this island turned battle zone.

They only had one remaining obstacle in their way, the fucking navy admiral that was literally standing right in front of them.

A sliver of sweat went down Law's face, he was the most nervous about this, his crew was everything to him, they were the only thing keeping him from falling down the pit of loneliness and never coming back out, one more emotional hit would be the end of him, for good.

Then there was the other thing he had to protect, his one treasure, the boy with innocent childish eyes, a red tail that he could stare at for hours on end and never fail to see why it was so beautiful, a voice as delicate as glass, the mermaid he fell in love with that had a heart of gold.


The sea prince was the only thing keeping Law completely stable, without him Law would go back to a tortured life, slowly being eaten away by his lack of love and continuing to have terrifying nightmares that would drive him completely insane, dreams that would taunt him, telling him how alone he would always be.

Yes, he had his crew by him but, he could never tell them how damaged he really was.

He had to keep making them believe that he was that strong, cold and independent person he always made himself be, all in order to keep them feeling safe and protected, and it was the only way to keep others off his back, show them who's boss.

Luffy was the only exception, the boy pried his way into his empty, broken shell of a beating heart and actually decided to care for it, he nurtured it, finally healing up those scars that Law could never stitch up himself.

The raven was his miracle, he never wanted to find himself back into a life before Luffy, the surgeon was even more terrified of a life after his ocean, especially a life after losing him, because he knew that was a life he wouldn't last long in.

And he was on the brake of losing that person right now.

Time seemed to freeze as the admiral took a lazy, threatening step forward, just driving Law mad knowing he was just toying with them, already knowing he had the power to devastate his whole world, "ooohhh, well okay, this is how it's gonna go"

The pirates stiffened in slight fear, the aura this man was giving off was just too damn suffocating! "Now, I actually only have orders to eliminate the one who struck the tenryuubito..."

The raven felt his heart gradually slow down, he just couldn't find the strength to breathe, the fear and panic was an effective paralysis.

"It was me"

Now the whole world froze, not believing his ears Law nervously stared into the direction he heard the voice, tears brimmed his steel eyes seeing the calm look on his mermaid's features, like the boy already accepted death, but he didn't, god dammit he didn't and he never will.

"Luffy-ya, don't you dare.." it was useless, the captain's voice came out nothing but a broken whisper which never caught the deaf ears of his mermaid, his words were as if he had never spoken, lost to the breeze.

The supernova slowly felt himself wither inside as the bored looking marine started towards his lover.

'Move' 'Protect him' 'He's in danger' 'REACT DAMMIT!' The soft voice in Law's head echoed through his mind, but his head was too blank to understand the words and react.

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