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All was quiet in the little yellow submarine, supper was incredible though Luffy failed to show, which ended up upsetting most of the crew.

But Yorokobi told them Luffy already ate a ton while he was in the kitchen so everyone let it slip.

So now the captain was currently in his room finishing up on some late night work when a light knock resounded on his door, "c-can I come in?"

Law paused, that voice just now was definitely Luffy, but why did he sound so nervous?

The surgeon made a mental list of all the things he could've broken or messed with as he gave the little ocean permission to enter.

He heard Luffy shuffle into the room and loudly close the door, silence enveloped the space like a vacuum...

Way too silent for Luffy to be in the room.

Law turned around in his swivly chair feeling concerned until he finally got a good look at his lover a massive nosebleed.

Luffy was wearing, in Law's opinion, a VERY flirty maid uniform with a VERY fiery blush engulfing his entire upper body, and the plain white hairband on his head made it look like he had cat ears.

Seeing Law's little situation the mermaid brought out a lacey handkerchief, "let me clean that off of you m-master"

The captain's nosebleed increased by sixty percent.

Law's POV


I took in a deep breath trying not to get excited, which I massively failed at as I felt a not-so-little problem make itself known down south.

Then I clenched my eyes shut as I continued to take deep breathes, "explain..NOW"

Through my clenched eyes, I saw Luffy wince a bit as he bowed down a little, "W-well you, uh, see master, I lost another one of those bets to Yorokobi-san and he said I must wear this dress and act as a-acorn-ccordingly"

I made a mental note: 'don't forget to punish and/or thank Yorokobi for this later'

Luffy's POV

I gulped as Torao stared at me with a primal glaze to his eyes, "come here my dear" he opened his arms out wide motioning me to come forward.


With little hesitation, I obeyed and was roughly grabbed and pulled into his lap, 'SHIT' I felt a huge tent rub against my knee alerting me just how excited he's gotten.

I didn't want another replay of being crippled so I tried to get him to calm down, "M-master please, you might want to-AHHH!"

But I couldn't finish as he harshly bit into my neck drawing blood, he then licked apologetically at the new wound, "strip out of all your clothes now"

I shivered, his voice was so deep and thick with lust.

I immediately followed his orders stripping right in front of him, then I felt warm as he helped me with the lacey panties Yorokobi gave me, 'damn jerk must be laughing his ass off, I'll dunk him in water later' I bitterly thought.

As soon as they were off Torao rocketed off the chair and shoved me into the bed, "L-Law" I felt his skin grow hotter as I called his name.

"You look so fucking marvelous being bare, my lovely" he cooed into my ear as his hands wandered my body, "every single time I see you naked I just wanna pound you into oblivion" OH DAMN.

I started to breathe heavily, I was never a match for Law's skilled hands and dirty talk.

"You know what I'm going to do? I'm gonna fuck you so much you'll be unable to move all, day, long~"

I started to hyperventilate as his hands gently stroke my dick, 'WHY THE HELL MUST HE BE SO SEXY!?' I was already leaking pre-cum.

I felt the old desire to dominate him rack my whole body, he was making me too excited.

"Ready Luf-" I cut him off as I flipped us over and kissed his brains out, at first he tried to regain control but I kept my grip as strong as iron.

I forcefully sucked on his tongue, softly biting it once in awile to make him further excited, when I finally got enough I burst away from him staring deep into his eyes.

"Law I'm gonna be the one to fuck you mercilessly" I loved it as he shuttered at my tone and whined a bit as a dark blush developed onto his cheeks, "L-Luffy-ya"

I bit into his caramel neck as I forced my finger inside, "MWAAAAHH!" Oh his cries sounded so nice.

I quickly discovered his sweet spot and fingered it relentlessly, I would shove in there, tease the edge of that spot for a few moments before tearing myself out and repeating the action leaving him begging for more.

"Ahhh, L-Luffy-ya, p-please-AHHHHH! S-STOP I c-can't t-take it S-STO-AAHAHHPP, TEASING ME!!~"

It felt so good to drive my mate crazy, I smiled finding a very pleasing loop hole to Yorokobi's deal and some awesome pluses.

1. All he said was to 'please Law' not to let him fuck me mercilessly, which means I can do this without breaking the deal.

2. With this I won't get crippled!


I smiled in triumph as I stuck in two more fingers, "AHH" Law was bucking himself into my thrusts futilely trying to make it more pleasurable, "p-please Luffy-ya, just fuck m-me already!"

Although I kinda wanted to continue, I decided that would be enough torture for now and removed my fingers making him give a needy whine.

I gently cuddled my head into his neck and cooed, "shhh, you'll get what you want now Torao" I plunged right inside of my mate making him wrap his arms around my neck and sing really nicely, "AHHHHHH!"

As I started to relentlessly thrust into his warmth all sounds that came out of him were purely animalistic.

No words he stuttered out were understandable making him moan and mewl like a rabbit in heat, I felt so smug and proud of myself for making him such a mess like this.

After a bit more of a delicious rutting he finally cummed with a loud cute cry, "WAAAAAAHHHHH!" I felt my gut get coated in his milky essence as I released myself deep inside him.

I collapsed on top of him panting hard, damn that took a lot out of me!

Then I instantly fell asleep on his chest, no longer having the strength to keep myself awake.

Law's POV


My mind was wide awake but my body was so sore! Was this how Luffy-ya felt after I fucked him? GOD DO I ABUSE HIM.

With that last thought on my mind I fell asleep not at all upset about being dominated.

...Okay maybe just a little.


Hah!! U all thought Luffy was gonna get plowed didn't U!?

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