What Have We Been Doing?

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This is when the Strawhats finally understand...


P.s this chappies gonna be filled with memories (like little stories that happened in between the storyline)~ ;)


The strawhats were amazed.

Inside that little happy-go-lucky boy's head was a wonderous hideaway, one that you would make up in your fantasies, there were fields and fields of bright flowers as far as the eye can see, a majestic forest in the middle of autumn to the left and a large frozen, winter lake to the right.

"This is Luffy's mind?" Chopper breathed out in awe as a small firefly flew part his face, circling around him long enough for the small child to realize it wasn't a firefly, but some sort of short term memory.

"Come on, we didn't come here to have fun" Zoro dragged the crew into a fork in the dirt road, the forest, or the pond? Or even perhaps back to the field?

The group had no idea, "hmmm, any way could be the path to the memories we're after, what do we do?" Robin hummed.

Usopp seemed to have gotten a brilliant plan, "Ah! I got it! Zoro you choose!" While the others sweat dropped in worry, the greenie stepped forward and stared intensely at the two way sign, almost as if he was telepathically communicating with it.

"POND!" He shouted, but as he was about to go (almost) in that direction the others dragged him towards the forest.

"The forest it is then" Nami hit Zoro upside the head when Sanji's remark ticked him off, there was no way she was going to let them rumble inside Luffy's mind.


The Strawhats immediately burst into the direction of the yell until they found themselves standing in front of a large oak tree with a gold rimmed door poking out of it, to their suprise it was the only tree that was still healthy green.

Robin stepped forward and brushed away the dirt and leaves to read the label on the top of the door handle.

"Getting kidnapped and making new nakama!
My favorite adventures yet~♡"

The heart looked like it was scribbled on like an afterthought while Zoro cringed at it in distaste, having the thought of just burning the whole tree down, "okay, let's hurry the fuck up and torch this motherfucker"

Zoro was about to shatter the frame with his bear hands until Nami and Usopp held him back, "WAIT! I told you guys earlier! We have to view the memories first for the protective coating to wear down!"

Zoro just stared at the two thinking 'WTF' while Sanji just cooed and did his noodle dance with hearts in his eyes, speaking about how his Nami-swan was so cute when she's stressed.

"FINE THEN!" The swordsman forcefully kicked the door open, causing a few splinters to fly out and ran in without looking where he was going, "Zoro-san wait!!" Brook called after his fellow swordsman as the crew ran after him.


They were floating, and it was pitch black as far as the eye can see, "what the hell?" Sanji's cigarette didn't even provide them with any sight as to where they were.

"And the door disappeared behind us too, what now?" Usopp gulped and was about to panic with a girly shriek when everything suddenly erupted in light.

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