The Lawless Zone

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Please ignore jean bart in the picture- thank u


Law clicked his tongue as they finally made it, the lawless zone, and the skeleton of a marine captain dangling from the 'welcoming' sign DID NOT help his growing paranoia.

"Dammit, Luffy-ya get over here"

At the captain's call the mermaid jumped off of the polar bear's shoulders and immediately went to his side, "yeah Torao?" The boy's face was serious noticing the sudden change in his lover's demeanor.

"I want you right by my side from this point on, stay sharp, and don't lose focus"

Luffy nodded his head in understanding and lightly grabbed onto the sleeve of the supernova's dark coat, "let's have fun today Torao" Luffy smiled with a light blush on his face, instantly changing the older's mood.

"Okay, now, group one, you go around the other areas for supplies and group two comes with me, we meet up at the rendezvous point"

As soon as Law finished his sentence everyone already either scattered or stayed put, "okay let's go guys"

Luffy looked around to see who was with them, Sachi, Penguin, Bepo, Yorokobi and of course himself, "sooooo, what're we doing?"

Law looked down at the smaller male and huffed in irritation, "as much as I would like to explore and enjoy the mangrove a bit, it would be better if we went along with your idea of information gathering so that's what we're doing"

The mermaid's eyes lit up, "ohhhh! So we're gonna meet the other supernodas!?"

Law resisted the urge to giggle at the adorable voice and kept his poker face, "It's super-NOVAS, and no, we're just going to observe them, nothing as dangerous as making contact with them"

The teen seemed disappointed at that but still seemed to keep his cheerful nature, "OKAY LETS GO ALREADY!"

Luffy ran off dragging Law behind him "LUFFY-YA!"


"Shishishi! I said I was sorry!" Luffy pouted as he was being carried over Law's shoulder feeling quite pleased, "no, this is your punishment for running off like that almost leaving the others behind"

The captain motioned his head to the exhausted looking group behind them, each one was wheezing and gasping in huge amounts of air acting as if they ran a thirty mile marathon nonstop, which they did.

"YEAH *GASP* L-*WHEEZE*-LUFFY! I ALMOST DIED!" gasped Yorokobi, "shishishi, sorry sorry" Luffy awkwardly rubbed the back of his head as they continued even further through the vast lush grove.

"Hey, Torao" Law hummed in responce letting the teen know he heard him, "what was that thing you stole earlier?"

Not expecting that, Law tripped on thin air, landing on the poor mermaid, "AHH! TORAO UR SQUISHIN MEH!" Luffy's voice sounded strangled since the captain had his shoulder digging into the mermaid's throat.

Absalotely horrified he sat right up and checked on his lover, "ARE YOU OKAY!?"

After a small coughing fit Luffy sat up and smiled at him with a couple of bruises already marking his skin, "I'm okay Torao"

Law reached his hand down and helped the mermaid up, there was a short silence as they continued walking until Law broke it, "w-when-no-how long did you know I stole it?"

Luffy blinked and and looked up at the older male and chuckled, something he rarely did, "I always knew Torao" that tone sent shivers up his spine as he tried his best not to seem affected, "I...I got you something"

All movement from Luffy stopped as he seemed to freeze as realization caught up to him...and then he suprise tackled the supernova into the ground.


Bepo immediately panicked thinking that they got into another argument again and was about to rip the mermaid off his beloved captain when he started to hear...giggling.

Bepo blinked and he rubbed his eyes in case they were deceiving him, but they weren't, right in front of him was his beloved captain, being cuddled by his boyfriend and..*GASP* WAS GIGGLING!

He had to admit, ever since Luffy got on board Law's been much happier, but this! Was the first time he's ever giggled!

The polar bear felt like crying tears of joy for the happiness of his captain but reminded himself what he should be doing.

"Uhhh, captain I don't think this is the right time for that"

That seemed to wake the surgeon up as he bolted away with a massive blush, you could almost mistake him for a living strawberry, "r-right *ahem*, Luffy-ya I want no more funny business from you, got it?"

But instead of backing down Luffy just flew up and hugged the ever living daylights out of the heart's captain, "OKIE DOKIE!" the teen started to walk off ahead humming a little ditty leaving all of them quite bamboozled.

But, one person though, noticed the unique gem hanging off of the mermaid's neck and smiled fondly at the innocent.

"Oh seems like the captain got him a gift, how cute" mumbled the pirate.

"Did you say something Yorokobi?" The cook looked over at his confused looking crewmate and just gave him a mysterious smile

"Oh, let's just say that captain made Luffy REALLY happy"

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