I Wanna Swim With You!

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I'm sorry if I'm wrong but I feel like I'm making the most crappy fanfic this world has ever seen, it really mean alot to me if u comment if I'm wrong or not. :(


It has been the total of a full week since Luffy first crashed onto the heart pirate's ship and surprisingly...everything was fine.

No more dangerous or overly huge sea monsters have been rampaging to their ship and demolishing anything in it's path, and the crew was actually getting along very well with their new...prisoner.

Luffy actually started getting excited everytime Sachi or Penguin would come in to feed him some of the leftovers from all those seakings to talk to them.

Trafalgar Law, the loved and respected captain that they all admired, was now doing what he's usually been doing lately.

Watching the mermaid's every move like a flipping hawk waiting for the perfect chance to pounce.

At first the crew started getting kinda suspicious and confused when they noticed the man started using ALL his free time with the mermaid, just sitting there, 'observing' the different species all alone in that isolated office.

But then they remembered that mermaids have become awfully hard to find, and their captain was using all the time he could to research the rare creature...yep

He wasn't at all yearning to be back at the mermaid's side everytime he needed to leave the room, he DEFINITELY didn't start day dreaming about that mesmerizing red tail and started dreaming of touching it in his sleep, YEP..not at all.

Law knew it, he was slowly becoming more and more captivated by this beautiful prince of the sea, and he loved every single moment of it, it made him feel so alive, even more than being on the battlefield, where he could fall dead at any given moment.

The innocent raven smiled happily at the dark doctor while the man continued to secretly doodle sketches of him in his notebook, peering at his silver eyes, completely caught inside his concentration, Luffy felt his cheeks burn, "hey Torao!"

Law paused and a small smile came to his face, it filled him with such warmth thinking how the little mermaid gave him such an adorable nickname, and no one else, okay that actually sounded quite possessive but could you blame him?

He, lucky he owned the very sea, the powerful element of nature that mankind has never learned to tame, of course he's gonna be possessive as hell!

"Yes my Luffy-ya?" Law immediately cooed without thought.

The more he hung out with the little ray of sunshine, the more gentle and affectionate he found himself becoming around him, from the way he bruised when he crashed onto the ship. Law learned that the boy was much more delicate than other people, though unfortunately the reason eluded him.

"I wanna swim with you!" Law's smile instantly froze and a fiery blush covered his whole head.

Law's POV

At first I felt a fiery sensation charge throughout my nervous system in excitement, just feeling ecstatic that he'd imply allowing me into his personal space, but once reality struck me, I felt an overcoming wave of gloom wash over me and drag me down from my high, "I...I can't swim.."

Unfortunately, I could tell he noticed the atmosphere around me darken with depression as I turned away from him to try and hide it, 'no way am I letting him see me become so easily affected by this'

As I was about to hopefully and unoticeably brood right there, I heard a string of giggles echo from the tank, 'is..is that bastard LAUGHING at me!?' A tick mark appeared on my head as I started to shout, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR LAUGHING AT YOU BASTARD!?!" I didn't mean to shout, but I felt too upset at the time.

The mermaid slowly started to end his laughter as he begun to happily swish his tail back and forth.

"Torao did you forget?"

I growled back as an answer, "I can let people breathe underwater, remember?" I paused recalling that he indeed said that, but...

"Just because you can let me breath underwater doesn't give me the ability to swim! I'm a devil fruit user!" All giggles suddenly stopped and the mermaid's face went emotionless just staring at me with a blank face of shock and something else I couldn't quite place.

'D-did I say something wrong?'

I begun to feel nervous with his unwavering gaze until he finally spoke up, "you're...a devil fruit..user?" In sudden realization a look of horror made it's way onto my face.

Shit, the ocean hates devil fruit users! He's going to hate me! I'll never be be to see that smile of his again! He'll want nothing to do with me!

I felt high anxiety build up inside of me as I begun to panic, already picturing all the terrible things he's going to say to me in disgust, 'HE'LL NEVER SMILE AT ME AGAIN I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO TELL HIM HOW MUCH I'M BEGINING TO CARE FOR HIM!"

Then...I felt it, those terrible things called..'tears' I inwardly cursed as I felt them start to build up, MUCH to my distaste.


When one tear was about to finally overflow and make it's way down my face, his blank expression suddenly changed into one of admiration and excitement.


I froze at the unexpected outburst, "...what?"

Luffy-ya started to spin excitedly in circles, accidentally drawing up the sand from the bottom when he swam close enough, "THAT'S SO COOL!! THAT MEANS YOU HAVE AWESOME POWERS, CAN I SEE!?"

My mouth dropped open and I could've sworn my pupils shrunk to the size of pins, "y-you dont hate me?"

Luffy-ya immediately stopped and pouted at me seeming to have understood what I meant, "Torao, just beacuse you're a devil fruit user doesn't mean that I'll start hating you!"

I smiled in slight relief, slightly disturbed to know that he knew I was affected by how he thought of me, "okay.."

"So can we swim now!?"

I frowned remembering my new current crisis, "I just told you why I can't" then I saw a strange smile overcome his features, slightly causing me to go on edge as I saw him mouth the words, "you gotta trust me"

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