Getting To Know About Yourself

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Well shit this is going to end badly...


After a few hours, Luffy was able to get to know all of the fish and other sea creatures that accompanied him in the lonely tank.

It was almost midnight at this time and Luffy still wasn't free, and yet has he to see the dark captain, but maybe that was a good thing.

"Hey red ossan?" The old fish from before swam to the side of the troubled teen like a summoned vassal, no question nor hesitation shown, "yes my prince?" Luffy blinked, seeming like he was trying to find the right words to say.

"..Why is everyone I meet so protective of me?" The ancient fish's giant jaw dropped as if that was the stupidest question he's heard all day.

"..Listen young one, everyone is so protective of you because you are the blood son of the goddess and god of the sea, Rouge and Roger!" The fish explained.

"Why does that matter though? I mean Ace and Sabo are too, but they don't get this much attention" the naive mermaid questioned in a whine.

"Unlike your siblings, you were the only one who inherited the will of the sea, you are now the reincarnation, the very spirit of the ocean herself! You symbolize her! You are her! The freedom she shows all, the kindness she shares for providing us with protection, and not only that, but if anything shall happen to you then so will the ocean, she will die and become nothing but a sea of tar!"

Luffy felt a small smile grow to his lips, "so, I'm important to everyone?"

The fish vigorously nodded his flat head making him swing in an unorthodox manner, "YES! YOU ARE THE SEA'S GREATEST TREASURE!"

The little prince couldn't help but feel flattered at the complement, "aww~ thanks red ossan"

At the sound of his small laugh, the other fish started to appear from their kelp and rock hiding spots as well, but they quickly became enraged.


"ENOUGH!" Luffy's loud shout silenced the whole tank.

"Everybody, stop it, you shouldn't feel such hatred for me! I'm just fine, and he's not exactly doing something wrong, besides I can tell.."

The yellow fish from before, that Luffy named Apis, nervously looked up at him, "you can tell what your highness?"

The prince smiled down at the intelligent little fish before responding, "I can tell he's not a bad guy, we can trust him"


Law's POV

'SHIT' I thought as another living mass was shown off on the radar, and it was a big one.

Bepo-ya screamed before on cue the beast appeared before the sub with a mighty roar, looking as pissed beyond belief.

"Room"  I called out, then with a powerful swing, I swiftly chopped of the ugly beast's head before it could do any massive damage to the ship.

"Bepo-ya, are there anymore coming?" The polar bear then nervously and slowly looked down at the radar system and let out a huge sigh of relief afterward.

"No captain, that was the last one" I felt all tension in my system dissolve as I calmly strolled into the submarine to relax in my office.

Now, I finally had time to do research on my little mermaid, 'CRAP, what was that though? We've never had much trouble with seakings fact the last encounter was over a month ago!

So why was it, that after Bepo-ya put the mermaid into my research tank, did fucking EIGHT of them come out of nowhere acting like we just shot a cannonball at their nest?'

It was true, I've never seen so many seakings in one day, nor have I seen them so agitated without a reason before..

Finally reaching my studying room and temporarily forgetting about the whole seaking ordeal, I took a deep breath at the front of the door, 'hope he's not too pissed at me'

I opened the door and immediately flicked on the lights, revealing the whole side of the other wall as glass currently filled to the near brim of water with all my....uhh..all the curious findings I've captured over the years.

Including the brand new mermaid, who was now staring at me with a blank look on his face, sitting on the bottom of the tank, and effectively showing off that breathtaking tail of his.

Normal POV

Luffy stared as the doctor then tugged on a nearby lab coat and sat down on a black swivel chair, the doctor calmly rolled in the chair until he was only a few inches away in front of the glass from where the exotic mermaid layed in the sand, actually hiding his excitement quite well.

"Hello, Mr. Mermaid" Law chimed to the creature, "Hi Mr. Fuzzy hat!"

Luffy showed off his somewhat sharp pearly whites as he grinned at the now confused pirate, "aren't you mad that I've taken you from the ocean without consent?"

The smaller raven just blinked at the question and stared, the doctor narrowed his eyes feeling slightly peeved and huffed, not understanding this kid at all.

Law actually HATED this, he was supposed to be brilliant!

For everyone he's ever encountered, he's been able to predict and foresee their moves and personality almost immediately, he took great pride in his knowledge.

Yet this simple, childlike mermaid kept him guessing!

"No" the mermaid blanked, the hearts pirate captain only sighed in slight frustration in his plight, "may I ask why?"

The boy just blinked at him as if it was a book they were talking about, "It's not worth getting upset over, what would getting upset do? I'll eventually be free so why get mad?"

The deadly surgeon froze at that last remark as his frown momentarily twitched into a smirk, "you seem quite confident that you'll escape"

Luffy only smiled at him, "that's coz I know I will" the little prince gave him a peace sign and giggled his signature laugh, "shishishishishi!"

'This mermaid is much more interesting than I originally thought' the pirate smiled, a very intrigued smile...

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