The Battle Of Sabaody

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I do not regret using that picture as this chappie's fanart. :3


To say the marines were frightened would be an understatement, they were in full blown panic mode!

Luffy's fighting abilities were never seen before, in fact they seemed almost, other worldly.

Water was flying everywhere, there was a thin sheet of it surrounding the small teen like an elegant veil as his eyes were now a vibrant ocean blue, he would make some form into icy spears and throw them at those unfortunate enough to get too close.

The majority of it though was zooming through the air like a huge glassy guillotine or throwing stars slicing everyone up and painting the weaponized water a strange red.

Bullets were useless against the entity, they just fazed into the water veil surrounding him and dissolved in it like acid! And swords were obviously useless as well, what was the point in cutting water!?

It would just make it more difficult with more to take care of.

One unfortunate marine was able to get close enough and managed to cut off Luffy's hand much to Law's immediate horror, actually feeling like he was going to faint, but the separated appendage just turned into water and reattached itself back on without a single scar.

As for the two captains, they both continued to stare at the spectacle in absalote awe.

Law's POV

I have never felt so proud and smug in my life.

First of all, I mean, LOOK AT THAT!

He was incredible! It was as if a god of battle just arrived and decided to go and fuck shit up, he was that good!

There wasn't a single cut or bruise left on him!

"Hey captain are ya-!" I thought I heard Penguin-ya's voice but I tuned it out, all my attention was on the little ray of sunshine that literally crashed into my life four months ago.

Everything about him drew me in, his friendliness, his caring, his childishness, his innocence, his positivity, his...everything, he was absolutely perfect in every way.

And that drove me to why I was so smug.

Because ME, lucky me, got to have this beautiful, precious being as MINE, not anyone else's, ALL MINE.

A massive smile found my face as I continued to view the massacre, he was mine and I fucking loved it.

Kidd's POV


I MEAN MARINES ARE WEAK AS HELL BUT WOW! THAT KID'S GOT SKILLS! 'Hmm, I didn't know there were people like this on Trafalgar's crew'

I smiled as he sliced open another set of fools, 'note to self: try to get this guy on my crew next time we see Trafalgar'

Then I snuck away with the crew, it was incredibly hard to tear myself away from that badass battle but I certainly didn't want a admiral getting on my case.


Luffy's POV

I huffed and slouched down, wow that was more fun than I thought it was gonna be.

Then I giggled as I layed there onto the ground, surrounded by nothing but puddles and the dead bodies until a shadowy figure blocked my light.

"Luffy-ya no time for naps we gotta get going" I smiled at the voice and sat up smiling at my captain.

"Yosh! Let's go!" I cheered and jumped onto Bepo's back as we bolted for the submarine, just as our ship was about to be in our line of sight a loud voice made the crew freeze.

"Now where do you pirates think you're going?" I turned around and saw a strange looking marine on a distant branch, then I noticed his rank, ADMIRAL.


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