Government Protection!?!?

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ME: Have I got a lot of explaining to do




It was so silent aboard the yellow submarine, you could probably hear a cannonball from over a hundred miles away.

Luffy was sitting on the middle of the deck refusing to meet eye contact with everyone, who were currently glaring holes into the poor mermaid.

But the captain's gaze was the absolute worst, if looks could kill, Luffy would be in the deepest darkest pits of hell right about now.

Law unhappily tapped his foot on the deck awaiting the teen's very good explanation.

"I'll say this one more time Luffy-ya, WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!?"

Luffy's POV

I sighed and looked down in shame.

The truth is, the government is well aware about my identity, and how powerful I am.

After they found out about my existence they made it a highly top secret mission to destroy all possible threats that could upset me and destroy those who knew about me other than themselves unless I want them to know.

In other words they were scared of pissing me off and protected me to protect themselves.

But, Torao hates everyone who has connections with the world government! HE'LL HATE ME!

My eyes brimmed with tears as I sniffled a bit, "..I can't tell you"

His eyes narrowed angrily and I could just feel his irritation growing, "and why is that?"

I finally brought my eyes up to his, I felt so guilty just looking into those beautiful orbs, he wasn't even angry! That was just a pretty coating and I could tell, those eyes told me a different story, he was worried, relieved but overall sad, and I was about to betray him too!

I held back a sob as I forced my head away from looking right at him, "because you'll all hate me" my voice was weak but I knew he heard me when he stiffened.

"Everyone, get back to work, Luffy-ya come with me" the whole group on the deck reluctantly scattered as I weakly followed my mate into the captain's quarters.

Law's POV

I felt numb, 'why would he think I'd hate him!?' It made me feel really terrible knowing he thinks I'd be capable of doing that to him.

I watched my lover squirm uncomfortably in his chair signaling he was distressed.

"Luffy-ya" I reached out for his hands and encased them in mine, "please, tell me, I'd never hate you, you know that" he took a deep breath telling me he was going to explain now, I leaned in ready for the story.

"Torao...see..when the government found out about my existence, they made it a rule just like the tenryuubito to never upset me, so whenever I break a rule or do something they don't like, I have a special exception"

I blinked, not getting why I was supposed to hate him.

He continued his story not noticing my confusion.

"So you see in long story short, I'm protected by the government just how they would for a tenryuubito only they keep me secret"

He looked up at me and grimaced a bit, "I understand if you hate me Torao, I'll accept any thoughts you have of me no-" I cut him off with a quick slam to the lips.

Taken back by the sudden affection his jaw went slack and I took advantage of that.

After a long and deep exploration of his sweet exotic cavern, I pulled away and pressed my forehead onto his.

"Luffy-ya I fucking love you, frankly I don't even know why I should be upset so stop those fucking tears right now"

Although that seemed to do the opposite it seems as he burst into tears leaning into my embrace.

"Law, Law, oh Law I love you, I love you so much Law!" I cradled him in my arms as I whispered sweet nothings into his ears.


Luffy's POV

I hummed as I helped Yorokobi fix up supper, and good news that everyone was super understanding with the whole government protection thing.

That really made me relieved, I was so sure they'd all hate me!

I smiled as I finished chopping up the potatoes, "Yorokobi I finished!"

He came up behind me and smiled back, "AH! Luffy you did great! At this rate I'll be out of a job!" he spun around in circles with a rose in his hands acting all dramatic, he was so funny!!

I started to giggle as he went over to the almost finished pot of stew.

"Ah, it still needs a little something" Yorokobi mumbled.

He turned to me with a mischievous smile on his face, "say since the captain keeps going on how sweet you are, you got any ideas?" I blushed and looked away feeling a bit embarrassed.

"HAHAHA! YOU'RE SO SHY! JUST LIKE A GIRL!" I felt a tick mark on my head when he said that.

"WHAT!? I'M NOT A GIRL!" I growled at him as his mischievous smile grew wider, "oh yeah? Let's make a bet!"

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