On My Way

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Here comes the happy ending soon!! Just trust me it WILL, by all the names that are unholy it WILL be happy!!!!


They were in.

Luffy knew they were in, he could feel them drifting through his mind over all the pain exploding in his chest, the pain was only increasing, the betrayal, the stress, the anxiety, the loneliness of being without his strong willed mate.

He felt so weak and distraught, in only a few moments all his memories of his beloved mate would fade away, it scared the living daylights out of him, he never wanted to forget the days they spent, the times they shared, the moments they made for one another, not like that mattered soon anyway.

He was already almost on the verge of death, he was separated from his mate for far too long! But Luffy wasn't going to give up, not yet.

In one last attempt to return to his love, he sang out to the world hoping for a miracle as the water around him erupted in music, dead coral all around whistling with the currents.

"Musing through memories, losing my grip in the grey~

Numbing the senses, I feel you slipping away~

Fighting to hold on, clinging to just one more day~

Love turns to ashes, with all that I wish I could say~

I'd die to be where you are, I tried to be where you are~

Every night, I dream you're still here~

The ghost by my side, so perfect, so clear~

When I awake, you disappear~

Back to the shadows with all I hold dear, with all I hold dear~

I dream you're still here~

I dream you're still here~

Hidden companion, phantom be still in my heart~

Make me a promise that time won't erase us, that we were not lost from the start~

Oh, I'd die to be where you are, I tried to be where you are~

Every night, I dream you're still here~

The ghost by my side, so perfect, so clear~

When I awake you disappear~

Back to the shadows with all I hold dear, with all I hold dear~

I dream you're still here~

I dream you're still here~

Ever slightly out of reach, I dream you're still here~

But it breaks so easily~

I try to protect you~

I can't let you fade~

I feel you slipping, I feel you slipping away~

Every night, I dream you're still here~

The ghost by my side, so perfect, so clear~

When I awake, you disappear~

Back to the shadows with all I hold dear, with all I hold dear~

I dream you're still here~

(Mermaid! Lawlu) The Mermaid And The PirateWhere stories live. Discover now