The Examination

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"What do y-you mean by examining m-my tail?" Luffy unconsciously wrapped two strong arms around his precious appendage ending up with him curling into a loose ball, albeit uncomfortably but he didn't let go even so.

"N-no! don't be scared! I just want to do a bit of an examination and perhaps..with permission of"

The pirate captain felt his face turn beet red as a few not-so innocent thoughts came to mind, seeing the suspicious look on the mermaid's face, "umm, you won't do anything weird to it? Will you?"

The surgeon nervously chuckled at the boy's nervous tone of voice, "of course not, I'd do nothing to harm you" silence echoed afterwards, only as a few hesitant moments went by, the prince bravely put on a trusting smile, "o-okay Torao...I trust you"

Law smirked at the boy, now floating right in front of him with a somewhat hesitant gaze, being completely overlooked by the happy-go-lucky teen.

"Okay first, can you lay yourself onto the ground facing up? Your constant moving will just make it harder for me to observe it carefully" the doctor, half heartedly slapped himself on the back for coming up with such an excuse on the spot.

The prince excitedly nodded, he noticed a warm tingly feeling in his stomach but ignored it as he gently laid himself onto the sand, brushing away the thought that Law was now coming closer to his face.

"Okay, now I'm gonna be feeling your scales and fins, if I accidentally hurt something or do anything to cause you pain just tell me, understand?"

Luffy softly smiled with a look of pure calmness on his lips.

"Yosh" Law proceeded to carefully hover above the little mermaid and gently rubbed his fingertips over the delicate looking scales, gasping when they almost felt like glass under his heated touch, Luffy unoticeably shivered as Law's hands slowly progressed further down.

The boy bit his lip when a stray finger grazed the mermaid's secret sweet spot, hidden right under his red and golden side tail fins.

The captain noticed the eager jolt in the mermaid's movements when he accidentally rubbed under his side fins.

Still not knowing what he actually did and feeling a bit of curiosity over come him, the doctor started to relentlessly knead and pull in curiosity all over that same place, carefully prodding in ways he knew wouldn't harm him.

He noticed the boy give away slight jolts and twitches here and there as he continued but still remained silent, seemingly not receiving the reaction he was waiting for, Law tried poking around the dents he felt right under the flaps of the fins.

This wasn't good.

Luffy was trying to just let the other raven do his thing, but the mermaid slowly started wanting SO much more from the doctor's skilled hands.

Becoming desperate, the prince decided to try to forget the huge waves of pleasure by starting a conversation.

"S-so Tor-rao what h-happend to the red-d ossan and A-Apis?" Law, still completely focused on his work answered, simply brushing off the younger's stutters as merely nervousness from their close proximity.

"My research on them were complete, so I moved them out last night setting them free in the ocean" he passively sighed.

When the pirate finally looked up to check on his ocean, he froze in suprise, "L-Luffy-ya?"

The mer-prince was absolutely losing his mind.

As soon as the doctor's silky smooth voice reached his ears, it took all of Luffy's willpower to not tackle the unbelievably sexy surgeon into the sand and make his sudden desires a reality.

He was shaking like a delicate leaf in the powerful wind of a storm and his face was covered in a dark red, almost as dark as his tail Law subconsciously noted.

When the raven looked up, revealing his handsome face stuttering his name with that perfect voice of his, Luffy couldn't hold it in anymore and immediately snapped.

With unbelievable strength, the heated teen roughly flipped the captain over with a look full of desperation, even if the older was a born swimmer, Luffy still had the advantage of having a tail his entire life, "Torao~" he whimpered clutching onto the doctor's wrists with a tight squeeze.

"Look what you did to me~" to the supernova's ears, it sounded pitiful, almost sounded like the boy was about to cry.

"L-Luffy-ya, I-I'm so sorr-" the mermaid hushed his stammering with a wild kiss.


Law gasped letting the mermaid entry into the pirate's warm cavern, sucking greedily onto his tongue, to Luffy the older man tasted like rich chocolate, a most intoxicating and delicious flavor.

The surgeon moaned as Luffy's skilled tongue continued to play with his mouth, claiming the foreign territory as his own.

God, when was the last time someone gave the doctor such a mind blowing kiss like this? Never, Law started adjusting to the frenzied kiss and attempted to roll on top of the smaller male.

He was Trafalgar Law, and he'd be damned if he let his mermaid dominate him when he should be the one plowing through that gorgeous creature.

But Law noticed all too late an important fact he's totally been ignoring, Luffy had his fucking wrists pinned down!

The supernova tried to pry his hands free from the prince's grasp but failed miserably without any success whatsoever, somehow only getting deeper into his mess as the boy's grip gradually tightened.

Law's POV


I suddenly felt pleasure rack through my body causing me to shutter greatly in suprise, "F-FUCK!" I bit my lip after a few undignified whines left my lips, ones I'd probably never live down again.

'n-no way in h-hell am I moaning-g like a bit-ch in heat in front of m-my precious-s mermaid!' Although, in the situation I couldn't even think right, all those pleasurable waves passing through me, they were too fucking marvelous!

I finally had the strength to peak down, looking at the direction of where all this bliss was coming from and blushed madly.

Luffy-ya was currently nibbling all over my side tail fins, poking his fingers into holes that I didn't see hidden under the flaps, admittedly bringing me right down to my knees, "L-Luffy-ya"

He bit harder into my tail as a responce with a possessive sounding growl, making the huge pleasure inside of me suddenly overload, I just couldn't take it anymore! "AHHHH!"

With a small scream I felt something close to an orgasm erupt from me, panting heavily from relief I went limp in his arms and whimpered softly, "L-Luffy-ya" as I felt myself grow more exhausted, my vision begun to go blurry and everything went black.



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